
The idea is simple. I wear one or several HD/HDR camera’s on me. I wear either a recording device on me that registers all. When I can afford I wear a means to directly uplink what my camera registers, real-time and united by satelite connectivity. And then I switch the camera on, take enough echargable […]

And this will destroy jobs

And in most cases production and manufacture jobs lost are boring jobs, so good riddance. However what we should not want is then to find a substantial portion of our population is unable to do stuff that makes a humane, dignified existence. Eventually we’ll need something like a basic income. Yes, taking money from those […]

The Shape Of Things To Come

The Great Reset could take many forms. The only certain thing is that today’s profound political disunity and our destabilizing financial Plutocracy will force a crisis. Yesterday I laid out why the U.S. will inevitably experience The Great Reset. What comes after that systemic devolution/crisis is unknown, but we can speculate on the shape of […]

The SunTzu Dilemma

The following is a simple challenge to anyone who assumes there will be radical progress in the near future, and who believes this (probably) will be good. In other words there are some in the technoprogressive community that still, to this very day, suggest that once we have MNT, widespread robotics, nanotechnology, widespread genetic technologies […]

Consequences of Economic Collapse

Many of our readers are preparing for what can only be described as the unknown – a whole host of things can go wrong. We know that the economic outlook in America and the world is bleak. The only answer from politicians and economic masterminds who sit behind the curtain is to borrow and spend […]

Seven Years of Peak Oil

It was just about this time four years ago that I first noticed the phrase “peak oil”. I don’t recall exactly where, but it had to have been a Jerome a Paris diary. I followed him to The Oil Drum and there I learned just how much trouble we faced. Everything I’ve done since then, […]

Like a Rolling Stone

So you want me “politically correct” ? I can do that to. Once upon a time you paid for oil so fine You sold the arabs some subprime, didn’t you? People’d call, say, “Beware dollar, you’re bound to fall” You thought they were all kiddin’ you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin’ […]

Post Democratic Sentiments

No coincidence – I am holding a “white rabbit” brainstorm with a very strong slant suggesting a fundamental crisis of western Democracy – this thursday the club of Amsterdam is holding a meeting where the theme is more or less “Democracy is Dead”. The problem is that this can be argued in both (incompatible) directions, […]

18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating

As the U.S. economy collapses, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is going to begin to disappear. In fact, there are already an increasing number of signs that the collapse of society is accelerating. In cities such as Chicago, roving packs of young people are “mob robbing” local businesses, randomly […]

Today’s Harvest – June 17

Oh … and something different. Let me get this straight. The Netherlands is in the grips of a ‘simpleton rumbling majority government’, the PM is argueing for a type of austerity and established service cost cutting that will without any doubt will costs hundreds if not thousands of people their lives – and the analysis […]

Khannea’s Monetary Axiomatic Statement

Without getting to alarmist – I foresee catastrophic economic turmoil. Monetary economies are suffering major problems. Without getting bogged down in details – I think this has been caused by several conflicting mechanisms: (i) there is ambiguous global economic growth. This is no longer true as peak-oil and the (alleged) effects of resource depletion, global […]

Greece – walk away

I have a message to the people if Greece. Walk away from the Euro. Default. Don’t pay any more. Fuck the banks. Let the European central banks crash. They are raping you. Don’t let them, say ‘NO’ and leave. Nationalize all banks, and declare an emergency situation. It will hurt massively, but you will retain […]

Daddies and Mommies to save us.

There is a pervasive message in popular entertainment that there are saviours outside humanity, above the masses of humanity. These movies depict battles of Good versus Evil forces, and they depict we will all be saved, despite the attempts of Evil to destroy humanity. The most insidious aspect of this popular entertainment is that humans, […]

Make it all wash away.

The rain is pouring over this horrible country. I feel more horrific than I have in ten years and I last months I have lived in cycles of 2 weeks of feeling worse and worse and more or less neutral. My country is collapsing. I am being strangled by an oligarchic government. I am regarded […]

White Rabbit 09 : A Morphology of Singularities

This will be a big one. I will be writing a BIG article with slideshows. Usual presentation in SL, hopefully a bit bigger than the usual event. I may invite other speakers. 1. Force amplifiers 2. The great galactic casino… 3. Initial parameters on planetary morphology, biology, evolution, neurology, morality, politics, scientific theory and technology. […]

More on Farcebook

As some of you farcebook clients know I feel annoyed by some things happening there. While I suck at being a leader of any protest movement (I am an individualist) there is this page there. Non filthbook users can’t see that. My reply is this: Well, if you now so eloquently make this point I […]

Shut Down (17)

Many Transhumanists and right wing market fetishists (i.e. mafia enablers) keep housing out the unmitigated optimisn (perpetuate their share in the ponzi scheme) but the disconnect gets worse and worse. We aren’t all of us “getting richer and richer”. The horses are turning to mice people. Give it up and make it work – make […]