Tag: BitCoin
White Rabbit – Some Changes In The Air
at NOON (1200SLT), Sunday 18 june 2011, another “white Rabbit”. This is the 9th installment of “white rabbit”, the almost-weekly presentation on matters pertaining to escalatory (or escalatory) accumulative technological change. Read the synopsis of “white rabbit events” here please before you proceed. I will hold this presentation at the “Sunkilller Citadel” owned by Miss […]
Khannea’s Monetary Axiomatic Statement
Without getting to alarmist – I foresee catastrophic economic turmoil. Monetary economies are suffering major problems. Without getting bogged down in details – I think this has been caused by several conflicting mechanisms: (i) there is ambiguous global economic growth. This is no longer true as peak-oil and the (alleged) effects of resource depletion, global […]