And this will destroy jobs

And in most cases production and manufacture jobs lost are boring jobs, so good riddance. However what we should not want is then to find a substantial portion of our population is unable to do stuff that makes a humane, dignified existence. Eventually we’ll need something like a basic income. Yes, taking money from those … Read moreAnd this will destroy jobs

The SunTzu Dilemma

The following is a simple challenge to anyone who assumes there will be radical progress in the near future, and who believes this (probably) will be good. In other words there are some in the technoprogressive community that still, to this very day, suggest that once we have MNT, widespread robotics, nanotechnology, widespread genetic technologies … Read moreThe SunTzu Dilemma


at NOON (1200SLT), Sunday 12 june 2011, another “white Rabbit”. This is the 9th installment of “white rabbit”, the almost-weekly presentation on matters pertaining to escalatory (or escalatory) accumulative technological change. Read the synopsis of “white rabbit events” here please before you proceed. I will hold this presentation at the “Sunkilller Citadel” owned by Miss … Read morePak.

White Rabbit 12 : What Matters Most

This is a white rabbit presentation where I will in very simple terms indite what is catastrophically wrong with our current understanding of an imminent Singularity. In short it will be about the need to embed desired values in our global systems. “Friendly A.I.” can not be enough – we will need to literally innundate … Read moreWhite Rabbit 12 : What Matters Most

White Rabbit 09 : A Morphology of Singularities

This will be a big one. I will be writing a BIG article with slideshows. Usual presentation in SL, hopefully a bit bigger than the usual event. I may invite other speakers. 1. Force amplifiers 2. The great galactic casino… 3. Initial parameters on planetary morphology, biology, evolution, neurology, morality, politics, scientific theory and technology. … Read moreWhite Rabbit 09 : A Morphology of Singularities

Yes Michael, It’s time we started warning people.

There was a time when Transhumanists didn’t dare argue that disparities and wealth and power might lead to massive and deadly asymmetries. That kind of talk used to be socialist and not welcome in Transhuman circles. But times have changes and a new sense is dawning. I am happy to seen article from the crown … Read moreYes Michael, It’s time we started warning people.

White Rabbit 07 – Humanities’ Hunger for Dolchstoß-Legends

This is the 7th installment of “white rabbit”, the almost-weekly presentation on matters pertaining to escalatory (or escalatory) accumulative technological change. Read the synopsis of “white rabbit events” here please before you proceed. I will hold this presentation at the “Sunkilller Citadel” owned by Miss Ivy Sunkiller, at 1200 SLT on Sunday the 29th of … Read moreWhite Rabbit 07 – Humanities’ Hunger for Dolchstoß-Legends