Facts about investments that governments can do nothing about
These are facts. Digital Sky Technologies It a russian company. It is a heavyly exposed investor in the social network Facebook, the social game Zynga and owner of the communicator ICQ. It also invests heavily in the somewhat less palatable Groupon. DST is also heavily involved with Goldman Sachs. And these people came up with … Read moreFacts about investments that governments can do nothing about
A year ago I told myself I would quit spending so much time with online socializing and start blogging more. A few months ago my Facebook account was deleted and my private information was revealed to thousands of people. I have no idea why but for some sick reason I continued to socialize on Facebook. … Read moreTHE ADDICTION TO ONLINE SOCIALIZING
More on Farcebook
As some of you farcebook clients know I feel annoyed by some things happening there. While I suck at being a leader of any protest movement (I am an individualist) there is this page there. Non filthbook users can’t see that. My reply is this: Well, if you now so eloquently make this point I … Read moreMore on Farcebook
A question on Farcebook
“are you a Robot” ? I replied (edited): I am not human. I am not sure what I am actually. What was inside this body more or less deconfigured. It’s hard to use the word “I” in this sense because the normal frame of reference collapses at this level of introspection. Something from ‘outside’ almost … Read moreA question on Farcebook
White Rabbit 06 – Xanadu
This is the 6th installment of “white rabbit”, the almost-weekly presentation on matters pertaining to escalatory (or escalatory) accumulative technological change. Read the synopsis of “white rabbit events” here please before you proceed. Have you? Cool. Then I’ll proceed. Xanadu is a prototype of something on the edge of elusive. When today I describe I … Read moreWhite Rabbit 06 – Xanadu
Fecal Book
Feel free to use these images in protest and feel compelled to use your own/ I call for a day of generating avatar images such as these, in an act of defiance. A pseudonym, nym, avatar, alter, alt, nom-de-guerre, alias, nomicker, artists name, role or new identity is a right of the individual. States should … Read moreFecal Book