– A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z –
Obese man who was taken by slavers, taken to Oriab, where he became a Mage, and plotted vengeance upon his tormentors for many years.
Mac Eogann Memorial Covenant
Honorart magical society, loosely associated ith the temple of Aeron, but not officially acknowledged. The members venerate the legendary Cyryn Mac Eogann. The society has as main goal to protect the city of Rissen, once or twice to the detriment of the Kingdom.
Most likely diseased – allegedly a legendary arch-villain dedicated to the worship of Gural, the God of Murders. Machiavellus is or was the high priests of sorts and an extremely powerful priest, assassin and was rumored to have become a Liche. Longtime rrival with the other iconic Guralli, Esteban Nyroch. Associated ith the Republican Inquisitor Nemesis. Machiavellus is knon to be able to “reverse dream” to the wakig world and collaborates with the Antedeluvians of the vampire clan of Assassins there.
Magician – career
A magician is a spellcaster that utilizes knowledge of arcane systems and metaphysics to reach behind the material, manipulate what lies bey9ond using spells (as well as other means) to manifest a coherent and predictable result. Magicians are common in the Kingdom, suggesting about one in 500 people is trained as a Magician. Most Magicians are well embedded in society, and not as intellectualist and remote as Wizards. In regions where people aren’t instantaneously freaked out about Magic, Magicians plight a trade where most spells known by a Magician are utilitarian tool use spells. Spells are all derivative of ‘Disciplines’ of certain families of magical theory. Many spells take aspects of several “disciplines’ to generate effects.
Major Domo – career
Marcus Draaken
Mason – career
Masson (Duchy)
Master, THE
The most commonly used name for the mythological hero that goes under the name of Leonidas – a slaughtering berserker of demigod status, dedicated to the deity Heiegos. – see “Leonidas”.
also see : Fungi from Yuggoth
Mishaq (Demi-Duchy)
Mellancthe, Mistress
Men of Leng
Men from Leng are humanoids, but not of simian stock. They have hooves, horns and a skeletal structure vastly different from modernday humanity, suggesting a different evolutionary track. Maybe more than a million years ago these creatures developed in another dimension, on a place known by occultists as the Plateau of Leng. Here the creatures stumbled into the realm of the totally ruthless Moon Beasts, and were consequently enslaved and bred as mere cattle. Men of Leng are deeply psychopathic and cruel. Avoid or be much stronger.
Primitive slow plant eating animals. Their flesh is sour, slimy and disgusting. Some populations still survive along the coast and rivers of the Eastern Continent. They make lo grubting and far5t-like howls and alk ith hort stubby legs. They look somehat like fat Iguanas about 3 meters long. {Moschops)
Moon Beasts
Generally regarded as the informal name for the continental land mass of which the Dreamlands is the easternmost region, and also the furthest known large region far west of Sydathria. Mnar can best be characterized as vaguely, suggestively Arabic and central asian. In this particular region lie cities such as Kadatheron, Thraa, Ilarnek and Dothar.
Mouths of Gladness Tavern
A tavern of ill repute on the outskirrts of the Dragonrender garden district associated with the Legionaire secret police, and the “politically sensitive matters” pertaining to the Grand Duchy. The tavern is managed by two sisters of vague description, who had a career in the northern Kingdom and became quite famous as bounty hunters working by wit alone. The Tavern is build on a metal gridwork bridge that spans an old flooded Iron Quarry. Right now the road leading from the tavern square just outside the Quarry all the way to the city wall of Dragonrender is innundated by Legionary, Soldier, Militia, Knighthood and “Irregulary” encampments and is infested with sellswords, pickpockets, whores and other ill folk. Along the avenue are several hanging posts with criminals ensconched in Gibbets, and the stench can be sometimes ghastly. The tavern is watched over by black skinned half ogers, who are known to viciously hate humanists. Along the road a coach rides all the way to the small towns north, hich s managed by goblins who eke out a living taking passengers and singing hilariously bawdy singalongs, and as the coach meanders through the crowds soldiers in the wide area can be heard chanting along the famous lyrics.
Mu-Thuu (Psionic Language)
Mymedon – career
A Thuak traveling in the western Kingdom, seen in the companionship of a paleskinned Drakka.