– A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z –
A degenerate subspecies of humans bred by Dragons in ancient times to serve as menial slaves or food. Labbers cmbine many of the worst traits of humanity, yet are not idely regarded orcs. They are humans, and can (in theory) breed with humans. They however lost the capability to organize into communities, are profoundly antisocial, nihilistic and shortsighted. In essence, they are the end-point of a dragonkind-imposed slaughter, much like the “mouse heaven breeding experiment” – where Dragons conceived of the ultimate living environment for humans (it wasn’t) situated in enclosed, inescapable hillside communities here the endpoint would be Labbers would walk, at the end of a 10-15 year maturation, willingly into the Dragon’s den and be devoured. Labbers have this innate expectation of doom, a fearlessness – but also a repugnant antisociality as they impose this nihilism oin everyone around them. Labbers are physically repugnant, with bald lumpy heads, elongated frames with potbellies, big limbs and wrinky skin. They grunt loudly and are incapable of going against authority, but are like the proverbially bucket of crabs unto one another. The species is many ten of thousands of years old and are found everywhere in small pockets. They breed fast, can eat pretty much everything (including animal feces and roaches) and have habits about as disgusting as imaginable. They ere quickly enslaved in the Kingdom and inside its borders are next to no civilians. Labbers only exist as peons (at best) and the total numbers are at most several hundred thousand.
Labirinth, The
In a metaphysical sense, a shorthand for Hell, or a substrata of the Hellish dimensions.
Lacara the Seer
Laelith (city)
Laena Aurehin (“Sun Child”)
A petite, charming and well-figured Fae Nilri with blonde hair, a somewhat savage appearance, and the most beautiful brown-green eyes. She is not allowed in Rissen, because of her sometimes loose morals. Even though in first contact she can be shy and private, but dangerous when provoked. Laena was born with psionic ability. Her wife was alleged to be Ishtar, but she also has many other erotic-inclined companions. Her psionic talent boosts her empathic and telempathic ability, and intuitively developed her powers to feed from sexual energies and emotions, and thus influence animals. Thus she is talented as a Beastmaster. She is a feral creature at heart, eats with her hands and jumps from roof to roof like a jungle cat. Most rather see her as a housepet of Ishtar than as her wife, but when Laena sneaks in to Rissen at night nobody seems to mind her odd wild streak, even though she occasionally runs in to trouble when she insists on walking around half naked. Laena is frowned upon as she has sexual interactions with sometimes underage children. The poet Ares sings about her when he’s depressed. What is less known is that later in her career Laena became a were-lynx.
Laio Perimeteria (Adinistrative Region)
Lamp Eft
Lamp Lighter – career
Lawyer – career
A portable small lounge with roof, often with privavy curtains caried by porters. The smallest lectica is carried by four men, the larger ones may require a dozen porters. They are a status symbol for the aristocracy and a very common sights in bigger cities, and a typical lectica is accompanied by several armed guards.
Legate – career
Theoretically (not not practically) a Legate is ensonched in the King’s legions and in that position is a highly honoured Knight, who carries the King’s Seal, and as such can execute His will. A direct emissary of the King.
Leifheim (Duchy)
Leatherworker – career
Leonidas is over a thousand years old, a demigod and a near indestructible killing machine. He is allegedly seven foot tall, densely muscled, strong as a giant and can shoot lightning bolts at will. Other stories tell of a deeply flaed, tragic, exceptionally stubborn individual that is in a constant state of near hysterical outrage at the demands of his deity towards utter ruthlessness, a desire for honor and glory, a hunger for acknowledgement. He isn’t regarded as particular competent in social matters, but his military poer is considerable. Officially Leonidas is a criminal, but since he is a saint of Heiegos, there are many in the Legions that care what he has to say. Leonidas used to be an opportunistic soldier from Nea Hemera that at one time started actively styling him after a more mythological (and possibly fictional) folk hero from apocryphal Nea Hemera mythology. Right now few people know of this backstory. Leonidas hates the Kingdom and felt over and over betrayed, belittled or humiliated by the ambiguity. He hates Rinyldissen, as he invested a century in the city to turn it to Heiegos, and his works were left in a state of utter squallorous disregard (See : Arena). Leonidas was a contemporary of the likes of Durad, Cyryn, Turgond, Adaldor and others. Leonidas is associated with (or allied with) Hobgoblins and Werewolves, but primarily fosters “Myrmidon” shock troops. Allegedly he operates outside the Kingdom “on one of the islands” west of Atlantis, but in practice he moves secretly underground from temple to temple in Nea Hemera. He is very much the subject of The Curse War (qv) and is effectively unable to exert any personal influence on events, and he is left to work through intermediaries, often at mediocre result.
Legate – career
Legend – career
Legion, The
Legionair – career
Legions, The
Lelag Leng
Le Marais (Illegal Magical Guild)
A Magical Organization alleged to be associated with specifically “Dreamers”, and thus quite illegal.
Lich Dust
Limner – career
Lost lies east of the sprawling Tanarian Hills, west of the Forbidden Lands, and comprizes the land of Lhosk and the city of Lhosk. It is a city inhabited by both humans and fairly peaceful goblinoids, orcs, halforcs, half-ogers and ogers. It is a large and bawdy seaport on the Cerennean Sea, opening up trade to the far north. The culture is decidedly middle asian, with diffuse Indian, Thai and Arabic influences. The wharves are made of teak, and the fisherman wear turbans and silk gowns. The beach os subtropical of white sands and the ships of Lhost have rose colored sails. The inlands are strange by terrestrial standards and give way to Savannes with both central asian and african analogue creatures, as well as an ecology of giant spiders, not all of which are dangerous. Lhost is not a sophisticated city and trades beers, hard woods, fish and fish products, bone, oils and chemicals. Traders of Lhosk have alliances with the spirits and denizens of the seas and are left unharmed by Sahuagin, Deep Ones, Krakens as well as pirates.
Liberator – career
The typical Liks is a trainable animal for hunting small prey. Best desxribed as a raven with big owl eyes, they are not a common sight but stem from the region around Hathzoril. They are not strong animals when compared to dogs, but they fly and are as smart as a young child, they can talk simple sentences and they live for decades.
Lilith – Deity
Technically a prescribed religion in the Kingdom, but quite often “ironically” invoked. Lillith is the odd one out, a religion assocated with both Hecate, Cybele, Shinthai and other of the strong feminist religions, but strangely enough not assocated with the Goddess of Rael. Lillith is said to be a vindictive, radicalized borderline demonic goddess, governing the domains of physicality, lust, monstrous procreation – but also abortion, assassination, poisons. She is most prevalent in small secretive shrines in the middle western Kingdom. There is open worship of Lililth in Hathzoril.
Liranian Desert (Region)
The Liranian Desert, also known under many other names, is a noteworthy nonterrestrial part of the Dreamlands. It’s a particularly empty region greatly influenced by the metaphysical toxicity of Mountain Hatheg-Kla and it’s looming shadows it casts over the land around it.
Litigant – career
Locksmith – career
A legendary underground city that was conquered by the Kingdom a well century ago. The Queen of Drow there swore allegience to the King.
Logan (Arch Duchy)
The Logoscopos is a valuable but essential enchanted instrument of collecting and depicting scientific or arcane facts, information and data. The ‘average’ Edwardian Negretti & Zambra Logoscopum is a closed case containing mechanical typewriting instrumentation, a number of gauges, calculus instruments, callibrators and a large instrumental mandala that acts as the focal node for entering the akasha of the instrument. When the right meditative state is attained, the user of the Logoscopos enters a deep trance, becomes oblivious of his or her surroundings and manifests his akashic self in the akasha of the instrument. Most Logoscopae contain akashic space equivalent to a few dozen Manti; hence magicians of a progressive persuasion often use them in lieu of the more archaically regarded Spellbooks. As Akasha tend towards the cerebrally addictive, magicians of sufficient means prefer to enter their trances in shared environments, often referred to as chantries.
The main use of Logoscopoi however is to enter larger Akashic environments as stepping stones. It is possible to invocate all manner of Logoi inside the akasha of a Logoscopos which provide protection, analyse information or perform downright amazing feats of immaterial akashic manipulation. It is also possible to manifest spells, psychic abilities and magical powers inside the Akasha of a Logoscopos without limitation. A basic Logoscopum contains an Akasha of some 25 logos. The more replendent models have a logos well in the hundreds. Each logos is equivalent to a single arcane spell level in significant information; thus a 100-logos Logoscopos can contain a hundred spell levels. The more luxurious Logoscopes are set with gems, ornaments, filligrine of valuable metal and other such amenities. Their keypads and mandala are highly styled and decorative. Many hare enchanted with additional magical abilities apart from their primary functions; typically a basic, otherwise unenchanted logoscope costs 100 silver coins per logos.
Lomar (City)
Lomar is a coastal region in the far distant northwest of the Dream. Up from the coast the land rizes fast into titanic mountain ranges. Beyond Diakos lies nothing but the dead lands covered with endless glaciers, and beyond that lies the lost darkness of Zobna. Lomar is still a Kingdom, but in deep civil war with invading Inutos. The regions are infested with mutants, twisted freaks, cannibal tribes, ravenous hordes of bandits and looters, subhumans, humanoids and degenerates.
Known in Kingdo language as “Loveless”, this district neighborhood in Dylath Leen winds Up from Clichtha (Clementine) and Avitcha (Aventine) to the Wondha (Witches Quarter). The neighborhood sports several oriental communities from the mainlands and islands around The Plateau of Leng, equivalent to “Chinatowns”, where one can actually find expensive but safe accomodations, provided one has “references” (guarantee of safety). There is a large population of islanders from the far far north that were either enslaved and sold, or escaped brutal Shogun tyranny. Some of these have been functioning as several generations of semi-integrated native Dylath Leeen Geisha’s. Most other buildiings are cottage sweatshop Citadels, most such buildings with equivalent to 8-10 stories high outer walls. On some rooftops dwell harpies.
Lords of Chaos
The lords of Chaos are said to be long dead – many many thousand years ago. They at one time were men like any other, and in a primitive age Aeons ago, they were Shamanic in nature. They betrayed The First Man – and each at part of Him – Brains, Bones, Spine, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood, Hands, Feet. U[pon this betrayal the Dark Shamans were cursed and became gruesome horrors capable of shapechange between any gruesome form, but able to attain the shape of some kind of withered up husk of very old and very ugly Draconians. The Lords of Chaos allegedly died in the War against Daimion. There were said to be 20, 17, 13 or any variation thereoff. Little is known about them.
Lore Demons
Lorekeeper – career
Ludus Lionell
Lyan – career
Lyan are complete machines of Kingdom worship, national pride and mostly – the law. They are fetishistic about an ancient and personal (one might say cryptofascist) interpretation of the Law, which makes them quintessential knights for The Omber Treasury, and pretty much at odds with actual day-to-day functionality of the Kingdom. The typical Lyan would make a lousy sherriff – Halfway between Judge Dredd and Sherlock Holmes in outlook, Lyan are protagonists of progress, engineering, free markets, trade, speculation, investments and contractual obligations. Many would refer to them as “unspeakably annoying”. Nearly all Lyan are human. A few are Taiga or Draconians. Lyan are “bigger picture” guys, and often stem from witch hunter, engineer and tax collector backgrounds. They are pathological in rooting out the influences of Shub Niggurath. Cthulhu, Tsathoggua and Nyarlathotep, but they seriously do not like anything that isn’t clearly human or humanity derived, and they have a very busy work schedule. Most die violently killing demons. In practice Lyan are a knightly priesthood with particularly strong esoteric foundations. They are like Clerics – but heavier set, more lethal, more armored, more combative. They pray and meditate all day, and they train in full armor heavy weapon fighting. They have no special affinity for any deity, but strongly favor treating The King as an esoteric symbol (regardless of the actual King) and in the Kingdom a lot of people are concerned about those Lyan and how they try to shoehorn reality in their own point of reference. For Lyan anything criminal, illegal, unlawful is unthinkable – it’s like a bird living deep underwater. In the temple grounds any Lyan can wear only silken robes – and no weapons. Outside the temple the Lyan wears heavyset dark and menacing armor. On the field they ride the largest, most fierce steeds,
LunaMarke (Magical Guild)
Magical Organization managing several Chapterhouses or “Chantries”) at the level of Universities. Lunamarke is staunchly green.
Lzuzza – beverage