Saying libertarians are pedophiles is just blatantly wrong. Being socialist is inherently against freedom, forcibly taking money under threat of imprisonment and death. Libertarians are for protecting the smallest minority, the individual.
— Matt Meinke
Uhm no.
1. The US Libertarian movement is overrun by pedophyles
- He’s pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He’s also running for Libertarians.
- Libertarians Call for Party Vice Chair’s Resignation Following Controversial Sexual Remarks Regarding Minors
- Activists Fight Pedophilia Epidemic Within The Libertarian Movement
- The Libertarian Party: By Idiots, For Idiots
- Pedophiles: A Libertarian Perspective
2. Redistributive policies are pro-freedom
- Winning Socialism Is About Winning Freedom
- Universal Basic Income is an inevitable part of our automated future
- Ex-Labor Secretary: Some kind of cash handout ‘seems inevitable’
3. US Libertarianism is synomymous with fascist corporocracy. Libertarians consistently favor police states.
- This bastardised libertarianism makes ‘freedom’ an instrument of oppression
- Private Property Is a Police State: Real Libertarianism Is Anti-Capitalist
3. Libertarianism is against Freedom
4. Taxation is free. If you don’t like it you should leave.
5. US Libertarianism is largely a racist white power movement
- It’s time to create a libertarian ecosystem that doesn’t welcome racists
- Libertarianism, Individualism, and Racism
6. “Libertarianism” does not work and has never worked in history.
7. Humanist Modernity has no reasonable alternatives than to shackle private wealth as soon as possible.
I’ll add other links and arguments soon.