Tis section is a preliminary, exploratory list of skills.
- Animal Handling
- Boating
- Bully
- Climb
- Cooking
- Drive Cart
- Gaming
- Foraging
- Farming
- Fishing
- Folk Wisdom
- Healer
- Scrounge
- Sing
- Socialize
- Sneak
- Strongarm
- Subterfuge
- Survval
- Swimming
- Animal Care
- Animal Training
- Barber
- Blather
- Bribe
- Carousing
- Cartography
- Coercion
- Crafting (Blacksmith)
- Crafting (Carpenter)
- Crafting (Boat Building)
- Crafting (Brewer)
- Crafting (Mason)
- Crafting (Pottery)
- Crafting (Tanner)
- Crafting (Vintner)
- Crafting (Wood Working)
- Dancing
- Deceive
- Distract
- Entertainer
- Etiquette
- Erotica
- Forestry
- Gambling
- Healing
- Herbalism
- Haggle
- Hide
- Intimidation
- Juuggle
- Libertine
- Listen Closely
- Musician
- Negotiate
- Pickpocket
- Respectability
- Ride (Horse)
- Ride (Other Animal)
- Sailing
- Sexual Prowess
- Sleight of Hand
- Stalk
- Streetwise
- Surgeon
- Superstitions
- Transact & Trade
- Wit
- Acrobacy
- Acting
- Analyze
- Arcane Language (Atlantean)
- Arcane Language (Latin)
- Arouse Contempt
- Artistry
- Bawdry
- Boldfaced Lying
- Burglary
- Calligraphy
- Camuflage
- Ceremony
- Charm
- Chemistry
- Clown
- Clues
- Crafting (Architecture)
- Crafting (Armorer)
- Crafting (Bowyer)
- Crafting (Clothier)
- Crafting (Fletcher)
- Crafting (Chemistry)
- Crafting (Toxicology)
- Crafting (Weaponsmith)
- Cryptography
- Cutthroat
- Diagnose
- Diplomacy
- Disguise
- Evaluate
- Embezzle
- Find/Disable Traps
- Hypnotism
- Interrogate
- Intrige
- Etiquette
- Fleetfooted
- Heraldry
- History
- Intuit
- Law
- Lockpicking
- Lore (The Abyssal)
- Lore (Demons)
- Leadership
- Lockpicking
- Meditation
- Mining
- Mountaineer
- Move Unseen
- Navigation
- Petty Theft
- Pickpocket
- Prestidigation
- Prospecting
- Seduction
- Set Traps
- Shadow
- Smuggling
- Tailing
- Teacher
- The Arcane
- Tracker
- Ceremony
- Courtier
- Diplomacy
- Divination
- Forensics
- Heraldry
- Lip Reading
- Oracle/Visionary
- Oratory
- Politics
- Ritual
- Toxicology
- Ventriloquism
== BASIC SKILLS == <p>
* ”’Anglish”’: <br>
Requirements; Reason: D4
* ”’Appraisal”’: <br>
Requirements; Perception: D5,
* ”’Athletics”’: <br>
Requirements; Strength:D4, Agility:D4, Constitution:D4
* ”’Care”’: <br>
Requirements: Reflexes:D4, Constitution:D4, Eloquence:D4, Perception: D5
* ”’Counting”’: <br>
* ”’Climb”’: <br>
* ”’Cultured”’:
* ”’Dancing”’:
* ”’Education”’:
* ”’Guile”’:
* ”’Handle Animal”’:
* ”’Intimidate”’:
* ”’Landsense”’:
* ”’Patience”’:
* ”’Rope Use”’:
* ”’Search”’:
* ”’Sense of Direction”’:
* ”’Simple Melee Weapon”’:
* ”’Simple Profession”’:
* ”’Singing”’:
* ”’Streetwise”’:
* ”’Survival”’:
* ”’Timing”’:
* ”’Traveller”’:
* ”’Acrobatics”’:
* ”’Acting”’
* ”’Administration”’:
* ”’Advanced Profession”’:
* ”’Arcane Language”’:
* ”’Balance”’:
* ”’Bluff”’:
* ”’Carousing”’:
* ”’Cook”’:
* ”’Craft”’:
* ”’Decypher”’:
* ”’Diplomacy”’:
* ”’Disable Contraption”’:
* ”’Disguise”’:
* ”’Engineering”’:
* ”’Education”’:
* ”’Escape Artist”’:
* ”’First Aid”’:
* ”’Forgery”’:
* ”’Gather Information”’:
* ”’Geography”’:
* ”’Heal”’:
* ”’Heraldry”’:
* ”’Hide”’: Athletics:D2 Guile:d4
* ”’Innkeeper”’:
* ”’Liaison”’:
* ”’Locksmith”’:
* ”’MakeUp”’:
* ”’Meditate”’:
* ”’Move Unnoticed”’
* ”’Old Language”’:
* ”’Oratory”’:
* ”’Performer”’:
* ”’Philosophy”’:
* ”’Poetry”’:
* ”’Read Maps”’:
* ”’Ride Animal”’:
* ”’Savantry”’:
* ”’Sense Motive”’:
* ”’Sleight of Hand”’:
* ”’Solve Riddles”’:
* ”’Surgery”’
* ”’Swimming”’:
* ”’Swindling”’:
* ”’StoryTelling”’:
* ”’Tai Sabaki”’:
Requirements: Agility: D6, Athletics: D2, Composure: D5, Constitution:D4, Cuning:D6, Discipline: D5, Resolve:D6, Sense of Direction: D2, Strength D4, Wisdom: D6
A critical component of all skill at combat, Tai Sabaki is an often overlooked advanced skill. Unlike most other skills it does not operate with a dice component, but rather being directly beneficient to defense versus attacks. It’s not some kindof skill in Dodging attacks as such. Tai Sabaki is what makes fencers, kensai, ninja and martial artists ultimately successful. It can be best described as “Fancy Footwork”.
* ”’Train Animal”’:
* ”’Writing”’: <br>
Requirements: Anglish: D3, Cultured: D5, Education: D4, Patience: D4,