Plan CARBON – I’d say to Russia – do it. Screw the rest of the world.

Listen closely when I say that the following short article is intended to be provocative. However insofar it isn’t intended provocative – and the idea behind the article is not taken seriously – I’d seriously suggest to Russia to take this idea seriously and do it. For starters have a look at the following videopresentation … Read morePlan CARBON – I’d say to Russia – do it. Screw the rest of the world.

White Rabbit 09 : A Morphology of Singularities

This will be a big one. I will be writing a BIG article with slideshows. Usual presentation in SL, hopefully a bit bigger than the usual event. I may invite other speakers. 1. Force amplifiers 2. The great galactic casino… 3. Initial parameters on planetary morphology, biology, evolution, neurology, morality, politics, scientific theory and technology. … Read moreWhite Rabbit 09 : A Morphology of Singularities