A “New” Approach to Health from Jamie Simko on Vimeo.
A “New” Approach to Health from Jamie Simko on Vimeo.
We must now conclude these entities are not representations ofd good in the human drive. Instead they represent an impulse towards autocratic governance, punishment, confirmity and sadism. We can’t get rid of this, since we can’t convince the people that believe in these horrible ideas to stop. The best we can do at this stage … Read moreAllah, God, Jehova. Evil.
A fascinating new book reveals how, when society becomes more complex, Man substitutes belief for science – as the ancients discovered to their cost. Something is happening to us. All of us. And it’s happening at the same time. We’ve lost our ability to solve our most dangerous problems: skyrocketing debt, terrorism, natural disasters, nuclear … Read moreWhat Mayans Can Teach Us About Wind Turbines
(more later)
Thursday 23 June 2011 – Club of Amsterdam Friday 24 June 2011 – Singularity Meeting Sunday 26 June 2011 – Meeting for HumanityPlus (by any other name) at Gendo (More later)
As some of you farcebook clients know I feel annoyed by some things happening there. While I suck at being a leader of any protest movement (I am an individualist) there is this page there. Non filthbook users can’t see that. My reply is this: Well, if you now so eloquently make this point I … Read moreMore on Farcebook
Feel free to use these images in protest and feel compelled to use your own/ I call for a day of generating avatar images such as these, in an act of defiance. A pseudonym, nym, avatar, alter, alt, nom-de-guerre, alias, nomicker, artists name, role or new identity is a right of the individual. States should … Read moreFecal Book
Despite the sluggish attempts to engage people for H+, yesterday I had the fortune to create the opportunities to create massive strides forward. Depending on what I’d assume my goals are (networking? making money? having fun? being iconoclastic? making money? leaving a lasting legacy of value? living forever? create ze better vorld for ze childrrren?) … Read moreClub of Amsterdam
Welcome to my new blog location, at my own domain, generously facilitated by my special friend. My first page (aside from later retroactive posts I may paste under this one from my old blog) post will be about the Second Life event by the name of “White Rabbit”. So what is this? White Rabbit is … Read moreMy New Blog! – a fresh White Rabbit Introduction
3 days ago I put my old dog to sleep. He had severe arthritis and the pain medication didn’t really work all that well anymore, and I instructed my meat server to stop mucking around, and take action. He died while we cuddled him, and the last thing the dog did in life was moan … Read moreExploring new realms – Age of Conan