The Hellish Cauldron

. Inside galaxies there tend to reside really big black holes. These things fascinate me to no end. They range on mass from millions to tens of billions of solar masses. Our milky way’s galactic core black hole is about “about” 3.61 million solar masses, which is only mediocre compared to bigger galaxies. Even so, […]

TechnoUtopianism and denial about the future.

Dizzy: My mother always told me that violence doesn’t solve anything. Jean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the city founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that. [to Carmen] Jean Rasczak: You. Carmen: They wouldn’t say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed. Jean Rasczak: Correct. Naked force has resolved more conflicts throughout history than any other […]

Immortal and thus, Accountable.

One of the biggest selling point of religion is (in particular in monotheistic, Abrahamic ones) the implied threat of being judged. In these mythological systems there is a sense of right and wrong, good and evil and hence sin. Sinners are punished, often in quite horrendous and everlasting sentences. This particular idea proved quite infectious. […]

“Saving” Japan

The country of Japan is becoming older and older on average. There are less children born, and children born are born from increasingly older women. This extremely low fertility rate (1.41) has the result of actively depopulating Japan. Japan has 127.6 million inhabitants in 2016, but is set to half in the next few decades. […]

My prediction for soon – a new terrorism

A Seneca cliff is an easily understood phenomenon. It is the moment when society, having depleted its commons, suddenly collapses. Decline tends to be historically very sudden. I regard myself nominally a transhumanist, in the same manner a cheerleader is nominally involved with team sports. As a Transhumanist I am supposed to focus on the […]

Why The Swiss Vote Switzerland Matters

. The swiss voted on a referendum deciding whether or not basic income would make any sense. They voted no. All told, about 77% of Swiss voters were against the measure, which lost by at least 10 percentage points in all of the country’s 26 districts, and only 23% backed the proposal. The proposal was […]

The clear implications of “the spark of life”.

Recently scientists have observed the actual and precise moment of conception, i.e. the very moment a sperm cell encounters an egg cell, enters it and starts the developmental stage where eventually a human being will form. We have long waited on science to give us confirmation and clarity on this particularly troubling question and now […]


Right now the dialogue is run by radical, offensive and hypersensitive statements. The norm is exagerration. People exaggerate, how bad their life is, how “demonic” transgenders are and that “they will kill god”. How much they are under siege from liberal media. How they are coming to take away their guns. How their kids face […]


Update * Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems Attempts to limit competition are treated as inimical to liberty. Tax and regulation should be minimised, public services should be privatised. The organisation of labour and collective bargaining by trade unions are portrayed as market distortions that impede the formation of a […]


Pegida is a anti Islam, anti-immigration, anti-EU group. From what I’ve seen it’s major part poor white trash, a segment of clear skinhead/hooligan types, older xenophobic men and confused anti-refugees/AZC activists. There was a protest not far from my home, and I shot a video while eating an ice cream. The protest was nominally non-violent, […]

The Solipsist Sepulchre

(minor edits may be pending in a few days, depending peer review and feedback. Email me if you have suggestions or wish to express your objections – I will print meaningful discourse below this article. I will submit this article to te IEET in a few days. Reprinted by the IES. ) All this is […]

Techno-Idealist Events in the Netherlands

We can use whatever label we want – Transhumanist, Extropian, Singularitarian, Techno-Utopian, whatever – it’s generally the same crowd, the same scene of people. People with an optimist, enterpreneurial mindset and grande deals are in fact coming together in the Netherlands and organizing, however more tentatively than in surrounding countries. Here’s an (incomplete? Email me!) […]

The migration from mobile to VR/AR headset

I own a PC from 2008-2009. It was a great era for me, 6 years of PC with a (back then) relatively decent graphics card, but my PC has become outdated – so I intend to spend a good 1000 euro (which I don’t have) come May to obtain a new Desktop personal computer. It’s […]

What is happening in the US is unacceptable.

The United States is no longer a democracy. There is no accountable or anywhere near acceptable government, judicial system or law enforcement. A significant section of its politicians are in denial of science. The US has commited numerous war crimes in recent history and is arguably committing war crimes this very moment. The government does […]

Migration, Refugees. I am very pessimistic about it.

In a perfect world migrants would all be quite lovely people who integrate instantaneously, are open and eager to adopt to other cultures, modes of though, varied spiritual values, alternative lifestyles, women’s sexual rights and freedoms, modernity. They are all really entrepreneurial and self-supporting hard workers and most go back to their country of origin […]