Dear Khannea

Hey K!

I have checked some discussions on UN agenda 21. What is your opinion on that? American tv channel Fox News is trying to pluck agenda 21 to pieces. They even suggest that 21 group want to biohazard at lots of ppl to death for sort of “start over”. Is it any truth to this or is the same old Stuff that Americans are afraid for the evil “SOCIALISM” with stuff like public healthcare and such?

The UN is an international organization composed on all these career bureaucrats and international values and agenda’s. That means multilateral debate and compromise.. On the one hand the US has the biggest military investment world wide. It could literally win a conventional war with every single country, if destruction meant winning (which it doesn’t). The US doesn’t have any reason to engage in compromise and debate. It can dictate terms to everyone.

On face value, the UN is almost nothing. It is a very badly managed platform for international debate with some minor value for existing trade treaties. The world bank and WTO (which and at least acknowledged by the UN) is far more important than the UN itself. Plus a lot of really ghastly countries have a chair in the UN, and the US disdains the values of these countries. Hence the US holds the UN “instinctively” in contempt. Largely because it “disagrees” with them, “cultured people that know best”.


But what actually matters is that the US consumes wayyyy too much and polluted wayyy to much. At the core rich people in the US know the US is headed for “a big reset”. The dollar is on the way out. The trade has a gross imbalance. People in the US mostly stopped doing any meaningful progress. The US draws absurd economic gains from migration based slave labour. The US is milking patent and corporate law. The US (and anglo-saxon world) plays a depraved banking sector like the house Casino. The US fucks over most of the third world, sponsoring torturing regimes left and right – including the Saudi who still behead people. Yanno “they hug and kiss” psychopaths.

In essence the US is a corporate entity interested ONLY in the values of the rich ruling class. Democracy is a “rounding error” in the US, and for the rich an increasing nuisance. If the US were to listen to the UN calling for international equality, justice, human rights treaties, whatever, this would cost the US a lot of functional richness. The US doesn’t want to stop having a Great Party. UNA21 represents an extremely lean list of articles that pretty much makes sense if we want to keep this planet from completely going to shit. Which it is going seriously fast btw… However the Rich in the US don’t like it one bit, because basically it constrains them from treating the rest of the planet as their bitch to rape on a daily basis. It isn’t about “socialism”.

Check here and here

Fascist right wing dictatorship <.........> Oligarchy <...> Police State <...> The US <....................................................................................................> somewhat fair politics <........................> social democracy <............> sweden <.....................> socialism <............................................>left wing dictatorship