* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g52BV7Il_-0&feature=related
Well, someone needs to show:
a) how we can afford to put ~20,000 metric tons into GEO economically
b) how we can assemble and maintain it once the parts are there (we don’t do spacewalks at GEO – too dangerous and we don’t have that many astronaut anyway)
Without those two working out there will be no SBSP of much significance. Certainly not before Peak Oil eats our lunch. In the meantime build out Thorium reactors like crazy. Only thing on near term drawing board that is cheaper and safer than coal, much less gas and oil, for generating electricity. It is very economically viable to build out that much thorium reactor capacity in this decade – enough to convert almost all transport to electric (except for big ships that would likely be directly thorium based) within the decade and replace most current electricity generated besides. We have enough thorium for 10,000 years. That will hold us while we figure out how to get out of this gravity well.