The extremely irrational actions of the Russians

The Russian system is collapsing in a way that will bump even the central elites of Moscow back from their current affluence to a squallor more typical of Nigeria or Bangladesh. Don’t have a second of doubt, after the sanctions, after the tribunals, after the decimation of maybe a million or more very poor men in prime working and breeding age, mass anger from periferal oblasts, financial run, technological collapse, total isolation – but most of alll TOTAL HUMILIATON and being banished evewhere, is what the Moscovite will find completely unpalatable. The next decades the russian elites, oligarchs and siloviki will be total backwater losers on the world’s stage.

So what are these cunts doing, collectively, with putin as carnival barker is to viciously lash out oozing their butthurt?? The Rusky elites condoned Putin’s ‘enlightened’ autocracy and followed his ratfaced imbecile right into generational irrelevance and considerably reduced prestige and affluence. They can no longer use typical exit strategies as assets are frozen left & right world wide the response we now see is that of a sadist bully alcoholic in late stage kozakov who strangles his third wife and has always gotten away with murder … when such a psychopath realizes serious consequences are looming big. The Oligarchs were all complicit. They gave utin effectively autocratic carte blanche “to do the dirty work”. Have no doubts, all of the moscovite oligarchical cancer is ANGRY right now. They bet all on a dark horse and the dark horse collapsed frothing throatslime and ass maggots twenty meters from the start line of the race. They all know this isn’t going away, and yesterday they were this…

and tomorrow they will be this ……

Exposed as gangster scum. It’s over for trillions of stolen crap. All that blood money all go to those “filthy Ukrianians”, while the whole world before their very eyes will make an enlightened liberal capitalist success story of a rebuilt and completely liberated Ukraine. The Moscovite cancerites know they lost, and now they are ordering children with panzerfausts to attack the uncoming tide of total defeat. Many of them will die in uncoming civil war, many will fall from windows in uncoming purges and nobody will give a flying fuck …

Their shitfaced junky kids will be kicked from their posh english schools and grow up poor somewhere in a backwater dripping roofed mansion in a dystopian blighted Moscow suburb.

If oligarchs, “god amongst men” are taken down in this manner their rage knows no boundaries. The Ukrainians are the ones now paying for this stratospheric levels of indignation. It’s aforementioned drunk strangling his fourth wife because she burned the dinner.