Ich Bin Ein Neo-Eugenicist

(Written before 2010, ported to my current blog in 2011) Update for the year 2018, 9 years after me writing this article 🙂 The following article deals with topics that are subject to significant prejudice, kneejerk reaction, phobia and superstition. So read it closely before you go on a rant. . Here is a presentation … Read moreIch Bin Ein Neo-Eugenicist

White Rabbit 08 : Marketable Patchwork Girls

at NOON (1200SLT), Sunday 5 june 2011, another “white Rabbit”. This is the 8th installment of “white rabbit”, the almost-weekly presentation on matters pertaining to escalatory (or escalatory) accumulative technological change. Read the synopsis of “white rabbit events” here please before you proceed. I will hold this presentation at the “Sunkilller Citadel” owned by Miss … Read moreWhite Rabbit 08 : Marketable Patchwork Girls

Can we develop and test machine minds and uploads ethically?

Reprinted from here A fundamental principle of bioethics requires the consent of a patient to any medical procedure performed upon them. A patient will exist the moment a conscious mindclone arises in some academic laboratory, or hacker’s garage. At that moment, ethical rules will be challenged, for the mindclone has not consented to the work … Read moreCan we develop and test machine minds and uploads ethically?