Degeneracy and Depravity
An epidemic of widespread retardation
We are facing an increasing segment of the population emphasizing ignorance, superstition, paranoid fantasies, superficiality, irrationality and whatnot. We won’t make it as a species. I mean seriously I am neck deep in the land of 3d6 facepalm.
Deaf parents can now dial-a-child – next engineer a deaf one ?
MUMBAI: US President Barack Obama may not recommend “cheap healthcare” in India for his countrymen but Alan and Brian, a deaf-and-mute gay American couple couldn’t find a better place to have their twins, a girl and a boy. After trying for a baby in the US for about six years, the couple decided to come … Read moreDeaf parents can now dial-a-child – next engineer a deaf one ?
Facts about investments that governments can do nothing about
These are facts. Digital Sky Technologies It a russian company. It is a heavyly exposed investor in the social network Facebook, the social game Zynga and owner of the communicator ICQ. It also invests heavily in the somewhat less palatable Groupon. DST is also heavily involved with Goldman Sachs. And these people came up with … Read moreFacts about investments that governments can do nothing about
Today’s Harvest – June 17
Oh … and something different. Let me get this straight. The Netherlands is in the grips of a ‘simpleton rumbling majority government’, the PM is argueing for a type of austerity and established service cost cutting that will without any doubt will costs hundreds if not thousands of people their lives – and the analysis … Read moreToday’s Harvest – June 17
Please do not visit RWSENTOSA
These bastards hold dolphins in small bassins, with an average life expectancy in captivity of no more than months. These Dolphins literally die of infections and terminal depression. Please remind their partners of the consequences of their actions, and support this.
A year ago I told myself I would quit spending so much time with online socializing and start blogging more. A few months ago my Facebook account was deleted and my private information was revealed to thousands of people. I have no idea why but for some sick reason I continued to socialize on Facebook. … Read moreTHE ADDICTION TO ONLINE SOCIALIZING
13 Juni 2011, today’s harvest
What else can this be than love? 🙂 (*kiss*) Today’s fascinating links Galaxies still are a mystery, dark matter still isn’t settled. Orgasms
Daddies and Mommies to save us.
There is a pervasive message in popular entertainment that there are saviours outside humanity, above the masses of humanity. These movies depict battles of Good versus Evil forces, and they depict we will all be saved, despite the attempts of Evil to destroy humanity. The most insidious aspect of this popular entertainment is that humans, … Read moreDaddies and Mommies to save us.
White Rabbit 10 : “They are made of meat!”