My current views on radicals (of any type) are evolving

Let’s establish a few starting assumptions that makes discussion on this topic easier;

I don’t feel myself comfortable with the label “liberal”. I am a progressive and I am outspoken and rather militant in my progressive urges, but I can’t say I am a socialist. I am sympathetic to socialism. I bet fit in what Chomsky labels – a socialist Libertarian (and that is by no means contradictory). I believe in a minimalist, but very reliable state (government) apparatus that primarily (and proactively) serves the interests of its people, (…) with serving the interests of business as a remote second, and I strongly prefer the state does not bother itself with LARP or “religions”. I insist religions should be regarded by the state as a private hobby, and not some excuse to bother (repress) other people.

But – I regard society as a vulnerable endeavour. I expressed my concerns about predatory elements in civil society (off late Facebook comes to mind) and I have -as a personal preference- society, the state and government should have very little patience with these.

I understand crime. I understand why criminals come to crimes and I believe criminal acts are often driven by a mix of poverty and personal pathology and disorders. I believe very few people who have a dignified life (which is definitely more than welfare) and are mostly sane engage in criminal behavior. Crime is generally the result of disorders, traumatic life experience, severe insecurities or structural stupidity.


I have come to increasingly feel extremely intolerant about radical islam. Normally I don’t care a damn about islam. Yes, I am aware I may have been influenced by decades of rather tendentious hollywood pulp that spewed endless islamophobic propaganda over my brain, but even then note that I write islam in lower case. To me islam is just a personal activity – a hobby – a rather contrived LARP. I don’t want to be bothered by its tenets, I am very impatient debating it, and I get positively furious if these people get anywhere close to exerting power, of any kind, over me.

Sure, I am a transgender. But I also hovered close to a black belt taijutsu and having been close to picking up krav maga. I am by no means a weak little filly, or so I like to believe. I am no victim, I feel empowered, and I am very sincere about my convictions.

Hence I believe that I feel I need to express my concerns about islam and its recurrent noisiness. A majority of british muslims (again, both lower case) feel homosexuality (and probably the whole concept of transgenders and treatments of such) should be made illegal. That’s right, these people want to exert political will, on account of them playing some fucking reli-LARP, and demand of the state it treats me as someone fundamentally ‘illegal’.

I have had it with these assholes. That is why I am proposing, advocating and voting (when able) for the following.

1 – the state should, through well-founded legal means, define a category of violence that stems from radical ideology, religion, racism, lifestyle or whatever, that actively seeks to spread state violence. I am in favor of freedom of expression, but I am against this freedom of expression being repeatedly and consistently used to sneak repression in to the societal Overton windows. And I am especially keen on seeking to hold particularly accountable any people who degenerate from espousing state active violence (as opposed to defensive violence) to themselves initiating actual active violence. Period.

2. I believe acts of the above nature should be (well defined) regarded as a form of insanity. I am strongly in favor of holding people that apply violent ideas in to promoting forms of repressive state violence accountable, and treating them as psychiatric patients. I strongly express my conviction these people have no place in prisons. I am convinced prisons have become a completely useless tool, other than as some form of counter-productive genetic stopgap. People with a certain violent ideology should be categorized as having a severe mental disorder. People that have mental disorders and preach hate, and then act accordingly, should receive treatment for medical conditions. In some cases that means isolating them.

3. I believe above people, if (and here is where it gets hairy) received in their lifetime an immigrations based naturalization, a permit to stay (while not yet being dutch/eu citizens) the state should strongly consider in clear cases of ideology inspired violence to rescind dutch/eu citizenship. If these people were previously of another nationality, the netherlands should reserve the right to strip religious people of their dutch nationality, assume they now have the previous nationality, and deport them, OR (if deportation is n ot possible) treat them as psychiatric patients, with the distinctive possibility of TBS – which essentially means, you become a ward of Dutch society, received medical and psychiatric care in an institution – But as indicated those affected should then be free to relinquish dutch nationality and permanently leave.

4. I may even consider applying the above (in extreme cases only) to second generation immigrants. In other words, if some guy A immigrates in to the netherlands (yes, lowercase) gets dutch nationality, his daughter B then commits a serious act of religiously (respectively ideologically, belief in some computer-game, being a brevikite, whatever) inspired terrorism then the Netherlands can unilaterally decide that daughter loses dutch nationality as is deported.

I am sure we can find countries somewhere willing to take these people. If not, we put these people in humane enclosure, medicate them as needed, apply humane treatments, suspend their capacity for self-determination until that day we can either kick them the hell out, or we (society, the people, the state,m government) can safely conclude they are “cured”.

Let me specify that – take the example of an hypothetical american guy who is an active nra member (the national rifle association) which is a radically insurgent political lobby in the us that is largely based on racist ideologies. The nra is proactively preparing for non-state violence against other human beings. Let’s assume guy A behaves within the bounds of the law. He then has a son and this son is born with a dutch citizenship. This son then proceeds to murder a bunch of people, based on belief that dutch society is “a socialist shithole” because “donald trump” or “alex jones” or whatever.

I then say, strip the son of a bitch of dutch citizenship and deport him back to the US – or place him under above illustrated TBS, and place him in a humane psychiatric enclosure, medicate him, apply therapy, until either result of (a) banishment or (b) being cured is met…

In other words

A – the thug willingly steps on an air plane, accept relinquishment of dutch nationality and leaves for parts unknown, permanently, (and under no circumstance gets back in) (or)

B – the thug stays in psychiatric care, until we can conclude with certainty he is cured. For the duration of life if need be.

So I hopefully established consistency here. But let it me known that I am looking at these muslims with considerable distrust at this stage, and I am becoming increasingly willing to vote my distrust. It may be self-evident I will never vote wilders (lowercase), since he is a right-wing lunatic and a brevikite, but one day there may be progressively inclined alternatives for me to vote for.