The Hivemind Instinct

There’s some uncanny things happening in the world, and reasonable folks stand slackjawed in utter perplexity at certain … things. The most illustrative example are MAGA trump followers. We have seen this quite often in human history, and I will unsympathetically characterize what I see as “a blind, uninformed, cult-like dedication to an authoritarian populist […]


Hi there, my name is Khannea. How are you doing? I am a Transhumanist. I have been active calling myself Transhumanist around the mid-to-late 1990s, and have been ideologically Transhumanist since the late 1980s. I consider myself one of the best informed pro Transhumanism, Pro-Futurism, Pro-Modernism, Pro Space Colonisation, Futurological, Pro-Life Extension, Pro-Singularity activists and […]

China – is FUCKED

Why? Because socalled Rod From God (RfG) kinetic projectiles are expensive. They used to be strategically way more expensive to field than nukes, and outer space treaties forbids the use of orbital allocated nuclear weapons. Ballistic nukes are relatively close to target. To use a RfG you need to allocate a lot of them, in […]

The Good Life

Let me be clear – this article is not about me telling you what to do in life. This article is not about turning people in to “the Borg” or whatever. I am describing a new concept for most people, whereas for “transhumanists” this idea would be fairly self-evident. Other people, say people like Alex […]


Saying libertarians are pedophiles is just blatantly wrong. Being socialist is inherently against freedom, forcibly taking money under threat of imprisonment and death. Libertarians are for protecting the smallest minority, the individual. — Matt Meinke Uhm no. 1. The US Libertarian movement is overrun by pedophyles He’s pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He’s also running for […]

Closing the EU to radicalized US americans

If I were to describe a national organization in, say, a middle eastern or african country, that was openly and brazenly active in spreading high powered killing weapons to its members, protecting these members for any legislative constraint, and these weapons are then routinely used in mass killings, we would declare such people patently unwelcome […]

Legislation on Asteroid Mining Debris Cloud

Copyright 2019, Khannea Sun Tzu, article may be used with attributionIt is likely certain corporations and governments are well on our way to mining asteroids before 2050. Once asteroid mining commences in earnest, it will grow exponentially and change from a very riskprone, trial-and-error, erratic profit and small scale industry to a highly predictable, casual, […]

Indian guys, please stop already

*Goes for arab, african, etc guys too. Anyone who wants to use this post as a reply when Indian guys come whining on Facebook chat, please do. One slice of cheese is pure heaven. I mean, one slice of Cheese is pure heaven. Now eat 30, and suddenly it becomes a bit less so. I […]

My movie pitch

If you are reading this, and you are concerned about climate change, please send this to 10 of your friends, via social network, whatsapp, messenger or email and ask them to do the same. Elevator Pitch It is the year 2075. Queue opening shots of a destroyed planet ravaged by climate change, small wars, the […]

In Praise Of Laziness

By Extropia DaSilva What is the greatest human trait? Judging by the way it gets praised so often, one might assume that to be a ‘hard worker’ would be an obvious candidate. By general agreement, it is those who ‘work hard’ who should be rewarded the most. And whenever a politician speaks about wanting to […]

Capitalism in crisis: U.S. billionaires worry about the survival of the system that made them rich

Boohoo? Fuck Jeff Bezos. Fuck the WaPo. PALO ALTO, Calif. — A perfect California day. The sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing and, at a Silicon Valley coffee shop, Rep. Ro Khanna was sitting across from one of his many billionaire constituents discussing an uncomfortable subject: the growing unpopularity of billionaires and their giant tech companies. “There’s some more […]


I offer my services #MemeWars #HireMe I offer to create a TV program that actively monitors, creates and deconstructs the most hilarious #ToxicMemes. Live weekly humor TV mocking stupid idiots that fall for #FakeNews. Create your own fakenews, win prizes. #MemeticImmunization #InformationTerrorism — 😈🤙 Khannea von Thorne–Żytkow 😈🤙 (@KhanneaSuntzu) March 1, 2019

Tulip Mania (by Extropia DaSilva)

If you are interested in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, chances are that you have heard some skeptic make a comparison with ‘tulips’. Why would blockchain-based assets be compared with that particular flower? Well, it is all to do with one of the craziest bubbles ever inflated, which was what I want to talk about in […]

Statement of The Hague

“Know that the humanity is alone;We were never abandoned as we were always alone” PreambleHumanity is awakening to reality, facts, science. We are as a planetary species increasingly affirming how the universe operates. This is a period of intense objective value and worth. The 21st century is a revolutionary transition, away from the influence of ‘people who believe stuff because some guy told […]

Thoughts on the end of aging

(Source) I. Today at age 65, the Dutch can expect to live another 20 years. In the year 2060, Dutch 65 year olds can expect to live another 25 years, according to predictions by the Dutch government. Those predictions made by the Dutch government however, have a history of being too conversative. Here’s a graph […]

Well-known Transhumanists disappears, possible black-ops CIA rendition

I am informing everyone of the mysterious disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis in Norway. Arjen has been active in the left leaning, anti-establishment thinking side of transhumanism. His possible appearance is treated seriously by Wikileaks, of which he was a consultant. I consider Arjen a friend and someone I greatly admire. There’s a distinctive possibility he […]

I propose “Market Libertarianism” is terrorism.

This qualifies as terrorism. An ideology that even tacitly embraces these viewpoints should be eradicated. Those who preach this should be imprisoned or institutionalized. The libertarian US economist Murray Rothbard (1926-1995) wrote in his book ‘Ethics of Liberty’, that parents should have the right to put a child out for adoption or sell the rights […]