It’s time the EU closes borders for the bad people

Why would I advocate for singling our a specific group, demonizing them, and banning them from European soil? Well, simple because they are unambiguously bad people. Here’s my list, and I insist this is not an exhaustive list. I may at a a later date add to this list. 

  • Any US citizen who actively served on the Trump administration who who intends to do so in the future.
  • Any US citizen who is actively involved with with the MAGA, “Proud Boy”, “Patriottic”, “KKK”, People from the “daily stormer”, “Traditionalist Youth Network”, Boogaloo, US “Tea Party”, US Stormfront, QANON, antivaxxer movements.
  • Anyone who funds these movements, or who takes part in organizations that fund these movements.
  • Americans who are actively espousing “sovereign” ideologies or conspiracy theories.
  • Americans or anyone a member of such an organization that seeks to actively make abortion illegal, espouses violence against abortion clinics
  • Any american that has been convicted of a hate crime.
  • Anyone who is still a member of the US NRA at this stage.
  • Any US citizen who can unambigously be regarded as a “white supremacist, US “white nationalist” or US “evangelical” or US “christian nationalist”. 
  • Any US citizen openly and purposefully espousing “confederate” sentiments. 
  • Anyone who took part in the january 6 insurrection against the legal US government.
  • Pieter Thiel. 

The EU should take a stance against enemies of democracy. A century ago Europe was torn asunder by a world war perpetuated by unmitigated evil. These were quite literally bad people, and the processes that led to this world war are now on full display in US society. The EU should make a bold statement and politely refuse access to these people, and declare their presence undesirable. Those already here should be politely asked to leave and – if they refuse – should be deported or interned.

It’s kinda like the 1940s and the US decides that anyone who is a nazi, can be construed to have active nazi sympathies is no longer welcome in the US, or is to be politely escorted to a detention centre. There should be degrees of “undesirability”, but for the worst cases the EU should maintain a strict policy of “we don’t want your kind of human scum” on our soil. 
