Intentionally Creating The Most Evil A.I. Possible

There’s a chance the world’s elites will create the most irreversible and disparate future imaginable. One against which protest and revolt is impossible, one that’ll last forever, one where the rich are immortal and beneficiaries of transhuman technology – and where the rest of 99% or so humanity have to worry about getting their daily caloric intake. With advances in robotic security technology such a future is inescapable.
I find even the plausible prospect of such a future categorically unacceptable.
Here’s what I propose – we should create something we may call the “Irreversible HyperPlutocracy Instutute”. Such a body should work largely in secret. I am 100% certain as soon as the elites are getting close to the end goal, crowd-sourced funding should not be a problem – even from hysterical judgement day evangelicals.
This institute should have as its goal the creation of the most malevolent, ruthless, methodically genocidal Superhuman Artificial Intelligence thinkable. It literally should compri2e the most evil thinkable seed A.I. One that places expansion as its top priority and will meticulously and expediently (and – if possible, with maximum sadism) exterminate humanity. I am positive creating such a sees SAI is substantially easier than creating either a friendly SAI, or a SAI that serves the interests of these hyper-rich. Our side would be having a major advantage.
If the elites win, this is what I think they deserve. If they do not hold back, and will steam right ahead substantially beyond even the ridiculous disparity we see world-wide, i.e. if the world ends up completely “Kochified”, then I’d say – fuck it. We are taking you assholes with us in to the mass-grave of all of humanity. Atlas fucked.
I believe this post here should be interpreted threefold ;
1. a message to all the Friendly A.I. researchers to hurry if I don’t succeed in putting this together, someone else may, and the reasons may be even less savory than mine – say “you atheists made god abandon the world, let’s burn it all down”, etc. ; …
2. a message to the run-away elites that the above is at the very least a risk ; …
3. literally an ultimatum. A shot across the bow, if you will.
Yes, I would regard a world where democracy is rescinded by these terrifying “Dark Enlightenment” people a specific kind of future where the above scenario should come in to play.
Email me your replies at This should be interesting.