Thoughts on the end of aging

(Source) I. Today at age 65, the Dutch can expect to live another 20 years. In the year 2060, Dutch 65 year olds can expect to live another 25 years, according to predictions by the Dutch government. Those predictions made by the Dutch government however, have a history of being too conversative. Here’s a graph […]

Well-known Transhumanists disappears, possible black-ops CIA rendition

I am informing everyone of the mysterious disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis in Norway. Arjen has been active in the left leaning, anti-establishment thinking side of transhumanism. His possible appearance is treated seriously by Wikileaks, of which he was a consultant. I consider Arjen a friend and someone I greatly admire. There’s a distinctive possibility he […]

Finally Upwing Politics? What is it?

First I need to establish what ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ are. I may have to say something about Libertarianism, which leans more to the right in the US, and I need to formulate what would entail the hypothetical (straw man) position of “downwing”. I also need to add that “liberals” in my country are […]

My message to the Incels

I have been looking at the new memetic complex of ideas, passions and affinities of people who are involved in MRA, Alt Right and MGTOW – and in particular Incels, i.e. “Involuntary Celibate” guys. So what is Incel? Here is a good Vox Populi article. As it turns out these people have been put in […]

Climate Change, ca. 2050

If you have any images you wish me to include email me 1,0 Degrees average global heating 1,5 Degrees average global heating 2,0 Degrees average global heating 2,5 Degrees average global heating 3,0 Degrees average global warming 3,5 Degrees average global warming 4,0 Degrees average global heating 5,0 Degrees average global heating 6,0 Degrees average global heating Why bother?

We need to start discussing maximum incomes

This is not working. We need rational boundaries. And yes, those who do not to pay 100% taxes above a certain level should feel encouraged to go live somewhere else. . How much would be enough, for everyone? That’s the simple question that so far lies outside the Overton Window. Few people have given this […]