Automated Progress Suite

Politics and democracy is broken and under assault. But what can we do? How can we make a difference. Individual citizens feel overwhelmed and intimidated and are likely to just give up. But what if we could change that? . Listen, the idea I am putting forward is un-formed, vague and may in some instances […]

Intelligent Weapon Technologies are becoming a huge risk.

I demand my politicians do something about this, and soon. Remember – these technologies can easily be used against politicians and civil servants by non state actors. A well-run campaign can easily murder 90% of all politicians in a country, just a decade from now. At negligible cost, compared to existing military assets. Essentially, I […]

My recommendation to the absolute rich people

You can’t stop popular anger. Period. There is no amount of automation force you can must, no amount of property protection law enforcement you can recruit, train and weaponize, there are no amount of crooked judges, lobbyists and politicians you can purchase and slot in. Well, at least until we are further this century, when […]

How to murder facebook

I hate facebook and all that it stands for. I loathe Marc Zuckerberg. That is in itself a harsh statement but judging from coverage of what facebook has been up to the last years I am prone to classifying facebook as unmitigated evil, in numerous domains. I quit facebook in December last year and haven’t […]

Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

For the last 10-20 years I have spared no words to express my extreme disgust about the pathologies in US society. I have publicly predicted the irreversible decline of this beautiful nation, and its imminent collapse into a dystopian state we have never seen before on this planet. I wish it were different but every […]


America is sick. It’s pretty obvious to the world and has been for some time. America has cancer. It is a cancer of special interests, and those special interests are white. You can call it the Military Industrial Complex, Big Oil, the Beltwey, Shills, The Two Party Political Stranglehold, The Deep State – but at […]

The Bitter Pill Problem

In modern policy and futurological analysis there is an increasing contamination by ideology, which right now manifests as denialism. This is now one of the most corrosive problems in western modernism. Of course denialism has always been a problem, but increasingly it has become a mindset in so many people that it destroys dialogue, problem-solving […]

Black Alien Sperm, Alien:Nemesis.

So here’s my theory about the Alien Saga. And aside from it being a theory, I sure hope this theory gets to Ridley Scott and helps provide him with a few ideas for future installments of the movie. He probably won’t (who the fuck am I?) but one can only hope and pray. Nomenclature PWG’s […]

Where Will You Be

Where will you be is a collaborative endeavor where all manner of people are invited to make statements on where they will be and live in the next few hundred years. The project is based on the non-contradiction principle – if someone makes a statement later contributors to the project should make sincere attempts not […]

Pressing the archival switch

There are now arguments to conclude that humanity will enter a terminal decline, or worse, go extinct somewhere this century. Yes it is terribly difficult to destroy the species (there may be a few straggling survivors in deep mountain survival complexes even in the worst case scenario for centuries) but we must conclude that most […]

Stop fucking whining about “Political Correctness”

I am through with people whining about “safe spaces” and “politicical correctness”. I am through with people whining that “freedom of speech” is under threat by “libruls”. Maybe there are some autistic types on some few US universities that have reached the breaking point in terms of being attacked by extreme right wingers, oligarchist neoliberals, […]