Act 1: The War Begins (Barely)
Trump’s opening declaration of war:
“Folks, we’re looking at something REALLY BIG. Maybe the biggest war ever, maybe not, I don’t know. People are saying. Could be easy, could be tough. But we have the BIGGEST bombs. The best bombs. Very strong. Amazing Ratings”
Immediate disasters:
- Trump announces war on Twitter before telling the Pentagon.
- The first airstrikes hit the wrong targets because Trump thinks “everything east of California is China.”
- “Why aren’t we using the stealthiest jets??” Trump demands all planes be painted matte black because he thinks it makes them invisible.
- Military commanders resign en masse within 48 hours. Trump replaces them with a committee of Truth Social influencers.
- The US forgets to evacuate Taiwan because Trump insists “they should defend themselves like the great cowboy movies!”
Act 2: The War Begins (But Xi Has No Idea What’s Happening)
Xi’s opening statement on state TV:
“The Party has always been victorious. We are victorious now. We will be victorious tomorrow. There is no war. Everything is normal. Do not look out your windows.”
Key screw-ups:
- Xi doesn’t actually know the war started—his advisors are too afraid to tell him because China’s leadership is a Kafkaesque bureaucratic disaster.
- The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) commanders give contradictory orders—some launch missiles, others send peace proposals, and one accidentally invades Vietnam instead of Taiwan.
- China’s hypersonic missiles miss their targets because someone used a 2003 pirated version of Windows XP in the guidance systems.
- The Chinese navy leaves port, but half their ships immediately break down because they were built with cheap domestic steel and glued together with nationalistic propaganda.
- Xi’s generals all pretend things are going fine while watching Taiwan’s defenses turn their invasion force into scrap metal.
- China’s “secret plan” is literally just an AI-generated strategy from Weibo, and it copy-pasted most of its ideas from a Call of Duty mission.
Act 2: “Slopes! Bombs! Winning!”
Trump, during a live press conference:
“I’m not saying we should N-word them. Not that N-word. The N-word N-word. You know the one. Nuke! But we could! I’m thinking. Just thinking! Not saying! But a lot of people are saying it!”
Racist Trump Highlights:
- Calls Xi Jinping “Egg Foo Dumb” on national TV.
- Says Chinese aircraft carriers are “like little toy boats from Chinatown” while giving orders.
- Rebrands the Pentagon’s military strategy as “Operation Kung Pow” before anyone can stop him.
- Live-tweets a secret military briefing because he doesn’t understand what “classified” means.
- Tells reporters, “I love Chinese food. So much. The best food. I have many Chinese friends. Fantastic people. But the slopes are being VERY NAUGHTY right now.”
Act 3: Xi Jinping Tries to Lead the War, Fails Spectacularly
Xi addressing his generals:
“We must be like water. Unfortunately, our aircraft carriers are also like water. This is a problem.”
Total incompetence highlights:
- Xi fires half his generals for telling him the truth, replacing them with party loyalists whose military experience comes from watching Wolf Warrior movies.
- China’s AI surveillance network crashes because a guy at Huawei accidentally ran a TikTok dance filter over satellite footage.
- Xi tries to call Biden, but the White House ignores him. He resorts to leaving angry voicemails:
- “Joe. Pick up. Joe. Come on, Joe. If you don’t pick up, we’re going to have to do the THING. You don’t want the THING, Joe. Okay, I tell you what, you give us Taiwan, I’ll give you—uh—one billion TikTok coins?”
- Xi announces that China will “win by outproducing the US”—then realizes Taiwan produces 90% of the world’s advanced semiconductors.
- Xi sends a 10,000-word speech to all Chinese soldiers—morale immediately collapses.
- China’s aircraft carrier fleet disappears… because Xi forced them to take an inefficient, secret route to “surprise” Taiwan, and they all ran out of fuel.
- A rogue Chinese general launches missiles at Guam… only to realize he actually hit a Chinese-owned casino in Macau.
Act 3: Trump Tries to Monetize the War
Trump during an Oval Office meeting:
“We should make China PAY for the bombs we drop! Like when you break a window, you have to pay! Tremendous idea, very smart, we’ll make trillions!”
Key economic failures:
- Trump trademarks the war name as “Trump’s Great China War™” and tries to license it for a Netflix deal.
- Sells exclusive war footage rights to a reality TV producer who launches “Bunker Buddies: The Trump White House”.
- Declares war bonds illegal and instead introduces “Trump War NFTs” that immediately collapse in value.
- Forces the military to use Trump-branded gear—camo uniforms are now gold-plated with “45” logos on the back.
- Announces “Chinese war reparations” before winning a single battle.
- Secretly offers to sell Taiwan to Elon Musk in exchange for a new casino on Mars.
Act 4: China’s Economy & War Effort Implode in Record Time
Xi addressing the Chinese people:
“Citizens, do not panic. Any rumors of total failure are false. By the way, if you are panicking, please report to your local re-education center for happy thoughts.”
Massive economic disasters:
- The US Navy blockades the Strait of Malacca—within three weeks, China runs out of oil.
- Factories shut down because there’s no imported coal, gas, or microchips—Xi blames “Western sabotage” while banning air conditioning to “boost national resilience.”
- Xi orders a military draft—80% of young Chinese men immediately flee to Canada.
- China’s own billionaires secretly sabotage the war—Jack Ma, thought to be disappeared, resurfaces in Singapore saying, “I told you so.”
- China runs out of food imports—Xi announces a “brilliant new diet plan” based on eating more rice husks and national pride.
- China’s currency collapses because it was never real in the first place.
- Xi bans stock market trading to “prevent panic”—this causes even more panic.
- A military factory gets caught producing fake missiles—it turns out the “weapons” were just metal tubes filled with soy mush, sold at full price through state corruption.
- People’s Daily newspaper reports “victory is imminent” even as Shanghai descends into Mad Max-style biker gangs fighting over frozen dumplings.
Act 4: Micromanaging the Military Like a Failing McDonald’s
Trump to the Joint Chiefs:
“Why do we need SO MANY generals? How hard can war be? It’s like Monopoly, right?”
Key strategy disasters:
- Demands a new “Trump Elite Trooper Force” made up of ex-Proud Boys, UFC fighters, and Kid Rock fans.
- Forces fighter pilots to play Top Gun theme music over their comms.
- Insists the Space Force should “laser beam” the Chinese navy despite being told that lasers don’t work like that.
- Orders nukes to be launched but gets distracted by a McDonald’s ad and forgets.
- Says “The soldiers should be more like 300,” forcing the Pentagon to train shirtless, oil-covered Spartan cosplay troops.
- Fires a five-star general on live TV because the guy wasn’t “cool enough” and didn’t have a hot wife.