Red Versus Blue – DRUGS and PROHIBITION

““Narcotic substances… ranging from cannabis…to cocaine… to heroin. After examples of tests in Portugal, the Netherlands, Switzerland and many other places in Europe, and also increasingly in the US itself, we find ourselves in the land where the international community can be all but certain that the War on Drugs has failed, most types on drug prohibition are in fact a counter-effective disaster, and many aspects of the legal narcotic law enforcement regimens are horrible artefacts of mistaken understanding of human nature. This is the premise of RvB today. The question however is no less simple. Where do we go from here?”

ground rules:

DATE: 10 September, Sunday. 9:30, AM/SLT — 17:30, PM/GMT — 18:30 PM/CET


YES you are free to assert that I have postulated a false dichitomy here. YES you are free to argue a radical third position. YES you are free to argue nootropics. YES you are encouraged to speculate I have a sinister secret agenda here, or that I am “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” when hoisting these events. 🙂 The question then would be – what is this secret agenda?

Some links:
Law enforcement against prohibition
Cops say legalize drugs
Former Fed Says Punish Cartels With Legalization
Paradise Engineering
The Good Drug Guide


3 thoughts on “Red Versus Blue – DRUGS and PROHIBITION

  1. legalize drugs, take the money spent on law enforcement on prohibition and use it to finance “Addiction clinics” for those who have problems, educate the public on “safe usage habits” like they do alcohol, and then add ‘Drugs’ to the luxury tax bracket, with specific taxes for growing, and separate taxes for selling.

    Mandate the release of all prisoners guilty of simple possession or possession with intent to sell. DO NOT RELEASE anyone who has committed a violent crime in addition to drug offenses. Offer “rewards” to all prisoners released to name their dealers, and to the dealers to name suppliers. Work up the chain to remove the violent criminals, with the rewards as an incentive to separate the non-violent from those who have committed serious violence. While this will not catch even a significant number of the “hardened” criminal types, it will effectively disassemble the “black market” distribution routes that are used by the cartels, and encourage the conversion to “legal” taxable status. Small growers could use such “whistleblower awards” to break their connection to the “black market” and subsidize entry into the mainstream economy.

    We also need to understand the one ultimate lesson the failed “war on drugs” has taught us.


    This needs to be understood by everyone on a level so deep that we learn the lesson and stop seeking to impose “Bans” that no government can enforce.

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