The corporate Military-Industrial apparatus has co-opted and taken over the US – and most US satellite states (such as my own country, the Netherlands). And the same general mindset/infrastructure has mostly taken over China, India and the rest of the world (under different names). These various MIC’s have not taken over a range of nationalist regimes and various oil-empowered petro-dictators.
That’s essentially a power vacuum.
Guess what, the Military Industrial apparatus needs the oil not yet claimed and consolidated. This oil is not for the entire coming century – the oil in places like Venezuela, Iran, etc. won’t last till 2040. Accessible oil reserves will only last the lifetimes of a number of very rich sociopaths in charge, and these One Percenters are precisely the people with a vested interest in taking (stealing) that oil – the people in charge (investors, bankers, shareholders, oligarchs, generational bureaucrats) only want a pleasant last few decades of their lives, and they do not have faith in much else than what has worked. These people seem to have no residual ideal other than more power.
These aren’t organized “bilderbergers” – such a degree of conspiracy is not feasible in this messy world. They don’t need to explain much in James Bond style secretive opera meetings. These people see eye to eye. The elitists are wolves among wolves, thieves among thieves. They only have a minor interest in cooperation and they’ll shift allegiances quickly and casually. The elites aren’t “Illuminati”. In fact these asshats are pretty damn stupid, or they would be investing in more rational long shots. These sacks of shit only thing in proven short term strategies.
I’ll explain you what is happening – the spice must flow. It’s Dune all over again, and these fuckers aren’t the least bit sentimental about historical artefacts such democracy, welfare states or human rights of justice.
This is a true 1% of humanity (and probably less than 1%) and they want the control over the exclusive remaining world’s resources. Oil, Water, Energy, Military Power (blackwater), Rare Earth Elements, Public opinion (media), Scarcity, Longevity (Medical Conglomerates), etc. They don’t want to share either – look at the austerity making the rounds. Normal people get less, they get more. It’s a game of chairs governed by Darwin.
This is an end game, plain and simple. It is a race to the finish. It is the meticulous privatization of the militaries, the winnowing down of state services and the maximization of profit for those who own. You don’t own, you get nothing, go die in a gutter. This is von Clausewitz and SunTzu and fucking Kissinger. It isn’t even proper NeoConservative, but it certainly is America’s New Century. It is Oligarchic Imperialism, the kind that made Hitler almost win the war.
And that new century is for the 1% and not of the people.
So how do normal people deal with this cancer? Because that’s what it is – it is a small elite taking scarce resources in favor of them, and starving the rest of the human species (and the planet), with very little interest in the long term of the planet.
Well you deal with it like you deal with any other cancer, right? Cut it out, as soon as possible. Chemotherapy – starve the parasite. It is more vulnerable to that. Feed it poison and kill it.
And this Vampire is pretty vulnerable. It’s current strategy is a hasty power grab. It’s desperate or it wouldn’t be going after Iran. Look at the facts, this is haphazard and chaotic, a rout. The beast is scared.
If you have any comments please email me
Check out my Disparity SCOOP.IT, respectively my Oil Versus SSPS SCOOT.IT.