Also known as “The 23rd Nebula”, this 400 light year region is an absurdly, unnaturally persistent molecular cloud that despite its cloying thickness and mass has not collapsed over 2 billion years. The structure has drifted away over billions of years relative to the Sun, but is currently located in The Sagittarius Arm about 37 thousand light years from Sol. At its closest This Dark Nebula was a mere 550 light years from earth. The cluster is a diffuse mass of some 50 million suns worth of dark and exotic matter – much of it unnatural – exotic massive non-stellar objects and stellar mass black holes orbiting a 90.000 solar mass Intermediate Class Black Hole. For a scientific observer nothing about this region makes sense, in astrophysical or materialistic sense.
Based on earth science this astrophysical region would be impossible and utterly unstable over tens of millions of years, let alone billions. What’s more, a full 30 light year region radiating away from the cloud is
(a) either stars without any planets whatsoever. It is as if over geologic time a sizeable portion of stars that veer close just have their planets all stripped away (with the exception of some gas giants) and smaller objects (kuyper belt analogue objects, asteroids, moonlets, terrestrial; planets, even dust) completely stripped away. It is not understood how this was possible.
(b) stars with planets that are utterly sterile and uninhabitable, often being infused utterly anomalous (and regarded impossible) “stable isotopes” in high seeding rates – mostly heavier elements all the way to elements 120+ and/or
(c) star systems where literally all planet and subplanetary bodies were infested by a dozen or some completely absurd ecologies of life that are so manifestly hostile to anything ‘natural’ (let alone terrestrial) life that any pretense or desire of colonizing these regions would be nothing short of an absurd proposal.
These regions have been visited by the Hydera clade of aliens, and study of what would constitute the ‘xenogenetic’ hereditary composition of these ‘teratologies’ would suggest that they were formed from evolutionary lines that are in large parts either/or engineered by a vastly superior and alien intelligence AND derived from evolutionary processes that at the very last took 20 billion years. Since this is impossible in the current universe it is assumed many of these theratologies were imported from “an older universe”.
The Dark Nebula seems to be engineered and held from gravitational collapse by unknown means. The Hydera, Sagittarians and Elder Things have tried exploring the outer regions of the “inkblot” and no vessel that ventures close returns or yield astrometric or other data. Any vessel or structure just ‘disappears’, whether traveling in any of the numerous superluminous mode of conveyance, or in sub-C slow vessels. There is a tacit ‘implied’ collaboration between Mi-Go, Hydera, Sagittarians and Elder things that yielded a 45 million year very wide Quarantine zone around the Dark Nebula that in some areas extends 200 light years that is upheld with incredible persistence, largely using X-ray and particle beam weapons capable to completely sterilizing planets across near interstellar distances.
‘Second Hand accounts’ dating back half a billion years postulate numerous truly terrifying structures inside the Dark Nebula, one of which is known as the “planet” Vhoorl. It is unknown whether this planet still exists, but it must have existed several billion years ago. Allegedly this planet was initially a fairly vanilla Hycean planet. At some point a sequence of events led to “part of Nug” was devoured by Yog Sothoth (?) and this part ‘was then re-extruded’ and became what meta-physicians would label “proto Cthulhu” some 4 billion years ago.
Whatever the details, Proto Cthulhu changed its identity several times gradually over its long history but in every case was always completely and irreconcilable hostile, nigh incapable of compromise or dialogue with anything but its own slaves.
Cthulhu It operates as a deeply ego-maniacal, utterly and metaphysically despotic force in the galaxy that seeks nothing but complete enslavement, subjugation and reformatting of literally all matter (and as such life) to its designs and domination.
A large part of this Domination is derivative of what we could naively label a mix of “hacking”, “infiltration”, “guerrilla warfare”, “psyops” or “disinformation”. Cthulhu as such represents and has for a long time represented the most underhanded tactics for hostile take-over in the galaxy around. He is hated by all.
The “Latterday Cthulhu” seems to favor ecological systems based on cryo-moons with icy crusts and deep and dark oceans, i.e. the most common type of planetary bodies in the galaxy that can in theory inhabit life. This gives ‘Latterday Cthulhu’ an absolute ace over any galactic competition in terms. The ecological strains associated with Cthulhu clearly originate from The Dark Nebula and some are ancient far beyond the current universe and seem to favor aquatic as well as photophobic environents.
Hastur seems to be also a creature of the same strange genes as is Cthulhu. Hastur also originated from The Dark Nebula through “Nug” being absorbed and excreted by Yog Sothoth, but is irreconcileably hostile to Cthulhu, since either are hyper-partison, uncompromizing, ultra-expansionist galactic Singletons. Hastur however is not very active in the part of the galaxy where either The Dark Nebula or The Solar System are situated.
Having one of The Dark Brothers around is already bad enough.
The less powerful Great Old One Slaroth also originates from The Dark Nebula.