Zoltan Istvan declares war on transhumanism.

I respond to this article by Zoltan Itsvan with a blanket rejection. Frankly, I am offended by Zoltan’s consistent lying. Transhumanism—the social movement of merging people with machines & synthetic parts—is turning dangerously hard left. ‘Dangerously’? We have inhabited a century of hard post WW2 repression originating from the US against anything reeking of socialism, … Read moreZoltan Istvan declares war on transhumanism.

Post Democratic Sentiments

No coincidence – I am holding a “white rabbit” brainstorm with a very strong slant suggesting a fundamental crisis of western Democracy – this thursday the club of Amsterdam is holding a meeting where the theme is more or less “Democracy is Dead”. The problem is that this can be argued in both (incompatible) directions, … Read morePost Democratic Sentiments