Current games and what they say

A quick look at a bunch of upcoming or recent games, with my thoughts in what these games about the current zeitgeist we are currently in. I will send out an open invitation to the well known philosopher Slavok Zizek to also comment on these game videos. He probably will be too busy, but think … Read moreCurrent games and what they say

The Robot Revolution: Your Job May Be Next

Without a doubt, America has reached the age of the robot. In the past few years, hundreds of robotic breakthroughs have made headlines: unmanned planes, bots in space, dancing robots, self-driving cars, a Jeopardy-playing robot. Now, the President wants even more. Last month Obama announced the National Robotic Initiative, a commitment to invest $70 million … Read moreThe Robot Revolution: Your Job May Be Next

The SunTzu Dilemma

The following is a simple challenge to anyone who assumes there will be radical progress in the near future, and who believes this (probably) will be good. In other words there are some in the technoprogressive community that still, to this very day, suggest that once we have MNT, widespread robotics, nanotechnology, widespread genetic technologies … Read moreThe SunTzu Dilemma

Can we develop and test machine minds and uploads ethically?

Reprinted from here A fundamental principle of bioethics requires the consent of a patient to any medical procedure performed upon them. A patient will exist the moment a conscious mindclone arises in some academic laboratory, or hacker’s garage. At that moment, ethical rules will be challenged, for the mindclone has not consented to the work … Read moreCan we develop and test machine minds and uploads ethically?