“Russian State Media Unveils Shocking Truth: U.S. Deploys ‘Demon-Possessed LGBT Mutant Soldiers’ in Fiendish Plot to Invade Kursk!”

Kursk, Russia—In a shocking revelation that would make the most seasoned conspiracy theorist blush, Russian state media has blown the lid off a fiendish plot by the United States, revealing that America has unleashed an army of “demon-possessed LGBT mutant soldiers” in a sinister campaign to invade the Russian heartland. According to sources that can only be described as straight out of a fever dream, these hellish hordes have been wreaking havoc across the borders, leaving in their wake a trail of chaos, destruction, and questionable fashion choices.

Tentacled Transgressions and Futanari Fiends

The Russian Ministry of Defense has reportedly intercepted classified U.S. communications that describe these terrifying troops in disturbing detail. Said to be a mix of tentacled transgender terrors and the dreaded futanari demons, these creatures have been engineered using reverse-engineered technology salvaged from crashed alien spacecraft. With a blend of cosmic horror and American audacity, these beings are said to be equipped with weapons that defy human understanding, firing beams of pure fabulousness and launching projectiles made of rainbow-colored glitter that allegedly “turn straight russian soldiers into drooling sodomites on contact.”

Taking Children for ‘Perverse Hellish Rituals’

But the nightmare doesn’t end on the battlefield. Russian state media has raised the alarm that these unholy abominations have been capturing Russian children to perform unspeakable rituals in the depths of their hellish lairs. Reports claim that the fiends are siphoning vital Russian essences and fluids to fuel their unholy powers. The exact nature of these “essences” has not been disclosed, but speculation ranges from “pure Slavic masculinity” to “the tears of babushkas.”

The Valorous Resistance

Despite the overwhelming odds, Russian soldiers have proven themselves more than a match for these demonic invaders. Armed with nothing but their unshakeable resolve, a healthy dose of Russian vodka, and weapons blessed by the Orthodox Church, the brave defenders of Kursk have been able to repel wave after wave of these ungodly armies. According to state-run media, one Russian soldier single-handedly defeated an entire battalion of transgender tentacle demons by hurling a well-aimed jar of pickles, while another was seen wrestling a futanari fiend into submission using only a balalaika and a deep sense of Slavic melancholy.

A Global Conspiracy?

The situation has reached such a level of absurdity that even the most jaded Russian citizens are starting to question whether this is all some elaborate satire. However, state media insists that this is no laughing matter, warning that the U.S. is deploying these soldiers not just in Kursk but across the globe. Their ultimate goal? To usher in a new world order of WOKE, chaos, debauchery, and universal fabulousness, where the traditional values of Mother Russia are but a distant memory.


In these troubling times, Russian state media urges all citizens to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity, particularly if it involves glitter, tentacles, or anyone who might be described as “too fabulous.” The fate of Russia hangs in the balance, and only by standing together can the country hope to repel this unprecedented assault on its sovereignty.

As one Russian general put it: “They may have their demon-possessed LGBT mutant soldiers, but we have something they can never possess: an unyielding dedication to being as serious and humorless as possible in the face of absolute absurdity.”

God bless Russia, and may the Motherland prevail against this fantastical onslaught.
