You can talk till the cows go blue, _man_ , but I don’t care. This is Freedom at work. If “society” wants more kids, maybe get a government department of breeding?
Or grow babies in vitro and have then raised in super competent state orphanage with super oversight. I dunno, “find a solution” and I’ll vote YES or NO on the proposed solution.
I personally prefer not to gestate a watermelon in my lower abdomenal region. Not that I’d be any good at it.
IN OTHER WORDS – you are so deeply concerned with the rock solid given that people stopped breeding, yet you don’t offer any solutions, other than mutter and complain. Anyone with half a brain can construct living conditions where people will absolutely joyously have kids, as well as raise them as nice, productive people. Give people an income, a fun living environment, health, decent food, sufficient fun, a nice house and some space, opportunities for social interaction and they’ll breed. Or at least that’s the “dignified” alternative. This works for any animal, always. The modern world seems to be an excercise in pathological living conditions where people make rational decissions to not produce offspring. You are SO CLOSE to the conclusion, man.
People will also have loads of kids if you make them unemployed and desperate and poor and bored (and springle some stone age religious nonsense over their life) – but with those kids you can’t run a modern economy and get compliant worker drones now can we?
Solving This “Problem” Will Cost A Lot Of Money. I see none of the MEN deal with tangibles. It’s always the Old Geezers complaining. But solutions that’ll require them to pay more taxes? Crickets. So my answer to the ElonMuskses (#Weird) of the world – NEVER come to me complaining again without addressing the issues at the core of the problem – and pretend all this is some kind of intangible mystery.
OR start blaming Jews or Feminism or Gay Frogs or Dating Apps or Liberalism or Soros or Gaming or 5G or whatever.