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extraordinary courage
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Most citizens in our western nations have become complacent and morally lazy. Our governments sustain paramilitary forces that torture, and since we allegedly elect our governments this happens in our name. We see the end of freedom, democracy and accountability before our very eyes, and the common…
Meanwhile in SL We created a broad canvas for the environment of film. That’s not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film. I’ve already announced this, so I…
Prometheus, June 2011
Ridley Scott is coming back to science fiction after a quarter century, and we’ve just seen our first glimpse of his new film Prometheus. The good news is, it’s intense, sweaty, scary and beautiful — and intended to scare your pants off. Spoilers ahead… Here in Comic-Con’s Hall H, we saw a special featurette about…
It isn’t a police state just yet.
Spies Lies And Life On The Run from Annie Machon on Vimeo.
A rather solid analysis.
…A rather significantly lower population by the end of this century… However – if technology comes up with new sources of energy, widespread and cheap robotics that outcompetes human labor or (laugh) affordable life extension or rejuvenation, we enter the most difficult of dilemma’s.
Up to a 100 deaths, most of them teenages
The man who did this was a far right wing radical. He consistently calls himself a conservative. I watched the video and this is mostly the message of Geert Wilders, word by word. Note that this man was a Christian Fundamentalist. The idea of religion suffers another fatal blow in credibility this week. A man…
Money Rules
Let’s play a money game by changing the rules. Other than changing the rules and abrogating corporations to be recognized private persons, the rules of the game when it comes to money will be this: 1. States recognize all people holding a citizenship as voters in a democratic process where one person has one vote….
August 2
… the day incompetent and uncaring retards might drag our western civilization into the gutter of global crisis.
Gordian knot is easily cut by declaring all ‘debts’ null and void.
Go insolvent and do not repay. Plain and simple. What are they going to do? Go to war? Alas oil may become a little more difficult to purchase afterwards. But hey, no more foreign-held debt. And you are going there anyway – at some point you will have a debt of 15 or 20 trillion…
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The idea is simple. I wear one or several HD/HDR camera’s on me. I wear either a recording device on me that registers all. When I can afford I wear a means to directly uplink what my camera registers, real-time and united by satelite connectivity. And then I switch the camera on, take enough echargable…
Wind Energy Basics
Let’s look at what we know. Most of the commercial-scale turbines installed today are 2 MW in size and cost roughly $3.5 Million installed. Wind turbines have significant economies of scale. Smaller farm or residential scale turbines cost less overall, but are more expensive per kilowatt of energy producing capacity. Wind turbines under 100 kilowatts…
Some emphasis on terms
UPWING A political movement that defines itself by being contrary to established leftwing (liberal/social democratic) versus rightwing (conservative/freemarket) values. The idea was formulated in part by FM2030, and comprises technological solutions and verifiable science over ideological assumptions. I hasten to add that in my interpretation of UPWING2011 the emphasis to cut the various Gordian knots…
Current games and what they say
A quick look at a bunch of upcoming or recent games, with my thoughts in what these games about the current zeitgeist we are currently in. I will send out an open invitation to the well known philosopher Slavok Zizek to also comment on these game videos. He probably will be too busy, but think…
The Big Banks Are Waging Warfare Against the People of the World
Michael Hudson is a highly-regarded economist. He is a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, who has advised the U.S., Canadian, Mexican and Latvian governments as well as the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. He is a former Wall Street economist at Chase Manhattan Bank who also helped establish…
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Give me that knife, where shall I start cutting?
2 february I am getting my popcorn. I will watch either the US end as a society (and that will be delightful to watch) or I will watch the far right, teaparties and republicans crawl back into their sewers (which will be also a delight). Win every step of the way.
A “New” Approach to Health from Jamie Simko on Vimeo.
Allah, God, Jehova. Evil.
We must now conclude these entities are not representations ofd good in the human drive. Instead they represent an impulse towards autocratic governance, punishment, confirmity and sadism. We can’t get rid of this, since we can’t convince the people that believe in these horrible ideas to stop. The best we can do at this stage…