In favor of a boldly progressive healthcare future for Europe
20-2-2022 at 20:00 we meet online in order to express our concerns about the crisis of progressive thinking in europe. People in Europe, for whatever reason, have lost our way. We don’t “aspire” to improve our conditions. Instead we have come to fear progress – especially when it comes to radical health care. What generations…
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Zuckerberg threatens to shut down Facebook and Instagram in Europe—why?
(link) It’s been a rough start to the year for Mark Zuckerberg. First, he realized his firm is years behind on blockchain technology and joined Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) in its fight to steal Dr. Craig Wright’s intellectual property. Then Meta missed analysts’ earnings expectations leading to a 26% stock price drop and Zuckerberg losing tens of billions overnight. Now,…
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I am incredibly confused about this.
Rugpull. Isn’t that “capitalism” ?