So where will you live in 2100?

So it’s settled – we are headed for the worst case estimate in terms of population of 10 to 15+ billion humans on the planet, and we are headed for a full seven degrees average global temperature rise by 2100. And it’s pretty much certain that advances in medical sciences will cause the richest 1+ […]

How to get rid of Donald J. Trump

We can safely state that Trump is positioning himself to cause instability. His climate policies, his stance of detente towards the middle east and continued “operation iraqi liberation”, his investment in look at the 911 attacks and aftermath and now the appointment of Steve Bannon – there is a point where Trump become subject to […]

Not really

The elites will force everyone to work – the handicapped, women, immigrants, refugees, mental patients, senior citizens, the young, middle classes, lower classes – everyone. This while the portion of ‘fungible’ or “work that’s worth actual money” work rapidly decrease. Politicians will keep doing the same thing over and over, and it’ll get worse and […]

Let’s hope we are in Peak Denial

The last time humanity went off the deep end (or at least – western civilization did) was at the end of the Roman era an signified the Dark Ages. While some deny the Dark Ages were not in any way particularly bad. Also, it may not be the ebb and flow of human civilization that […]


I have long worried about ideology, and ideology being consistent. It is very difficult to come up with a position regarding fellow human beings that takes most philosophical and political dilemma’s in to account. So I came up with a particular way to look at the world, mostly as an answer to Libertarianism, i.e. Planetism. […]

Pedophyle Politics

Clear what I mean already? . The US political system is in extreme and immediate danger and it simply does not understand how massive the danger is. Once this psychological dam bursts, there will be hell to pay, and it looks like it set to burst very very soon. The most horrible betrayal is the […]

The friction between necessity and special interests

Societal disparity is a hot button topic sure to arouse emotions. Those who currently have or make comparatively more money as always follow heir self-interest and stick to decennia old post cold war talking points best summarized as “anyone who works hard will eventually be successful”. This is clearly a self-validating and wealth consolidating statement […]

The problem with black African Americans

America has a major problem, as depicted in his video here. An African American women was slammed to the ground and arrested by a police officer, and she asked him why everyone was afraid of black people. His answer was pretty shocking. Brett Erlich, Grace Baldridge, and Hasan Piker, hosts of The Young Turks, break […]

How Sexual Dominance Influences Politics

written by Gregory Gorelik (original article) The link between sex and dominance is age-old and pervasive. From the works of the Marquis de Sade to Vladimir Nabokov, literature is suffused with its ecstasies and tortures. Its depictions in popular cinema and print, from 9½ Weeks to Fifty Shades of Grey, suggest that this inseparable link […]

The world of Islam has soft targets too

5:45 Yesterday a man drove a truck in to a crowd and kep driving for kilometers during the Bastille day celebtrations om Nice. Since he is half french and half meghreb it seems safe to assume this was a terrorist attack by islamic (lower case) radicals. Enough is enough. I can’t and won’t make any […]

Kessler syndrome and the formation of AGN

Observed galaxies in the cosmos nearly all contain a supermassive black hole. These SBH’s have masses closely tied in the hosting galaxy size, suggesting a strong correlation in formative history. Our galaxy’s SBH has a mass of over 3 million solar masses, crammed in to a region smaller than the orbit of Mercury around the […]

Three discrete energy leagues.

In the next century there will be three categories of countries based on available energy. In most cases these leagues will determine relative wealth and rate of progress of respective countries, and global relevance. If you are in League one, your country will be dirt poor and unable to escape its respective energy state. You […]

It is now

Anyone who reads this, the time has come to start resisting, with any and all means you can muster. If peaceful resistance does not work to produce change, all means must be explored. It is time. You can no longer just sit around and wait until change comes.

The case for treating radical belief as a psychiatric disorder

History has an awful track record with the government medicalizing alternate lifestyles, religious activity or political activism. There is very little to say about the habits of hard-line regimes and political systems putting “troublemakers’ in psychiatric institutions solely for the purpose of punishment and deterrence. For political activists the soviet union was a nightmare, as […]