Seconds To Minutes
- The rim of the Pacific Ocean is hit by a pandemic of hysteria and severe forms of insanity, although the effect occurs world wide to a somewhat lesser degree. The already insane become acutely dangerous, now physically mutating with prominent skin decolorations, protrusions, acne sometimes as bad as gangrene, horrible stench, a menacing change of gait or posture. Those predosposed to empathy or sensitivity enter mortal terror, and insane people in institutions become unmanageably aggressive. There will be cases of cannibalism and mass suicides, often in spectacular fashion.
- Several dozen magnitude 6+ Earthquakes hit regions all arround the pacific rim, and several islands in the pacific.
- In a region in the south pacific south the seas boil without heat and a slime bubbles up that stink so bad people scream from revulsion.
- Several Hawaii volcanic vents start quite suddenly extruding “green” magma.
- Airplanes in the pacific lose the ability to fly and crash.
- A prominent politician in Tokyo speaking on TV commences to scream, reciting ‘in reverse’, and attacks his own face with his nails, flaying the skin and proceeding to dismantle his head – all the time while exhorting chortling sounds and complex sentences in a horrific language. The camera crew is physically unable to turn the cameras away. Not long after many who witnessed this will proceed to do the same.
- In North Korea a series of villages erupt in green flame.
- In California black stinking black slime boils and maggots up from the soil everywhere.
Less than 15 minutes
- An anxious and panicked crowd in San Francisco park comes to a halt as a.. tentacled mass.. erupts from the soil and begins convulsive transformations in all fleshy organisms it touches – a wave of transformations of things proceeds from golden gate park at an exponential rate.
- In Africa bull elephants all swell and bloat in to red blistered flesh and die, producing voracious green insects that infect humans.
- In the Pacific a massive blue black cloud is forming like an oceanic nimbus. All who see this cloud develop acute symptoms of stage seven psychotic schizophrenia, massive hallucinations with utterly deranged caleidoscopic images.
- All across the pacific rim people commit suicide, kill other people.
- In Indonesia massive crowds living along the eastern coasts turn in to ravenous cannibal hordes that appear to be infectious, and within minutes their bodies seem to be … twisted caricatures of the human shape…
- World-wide death toll after fifteen minutes is about ten million human beings world wide. .
Within the hour
- …there are visible changes to all natural laws occuring.
- Machines fail to operate.
- World wide things crawl from graves that were never human, and who chant in alien languages.
- Half a million people in Siberia see a new primary color between yellow and red.
- In many places along the pacific rim, half the people – well over a billion have gone insane.
- Everyone on Earth at the very least feels a mixture of paranoia, acute pains, nausea, has subtle dreamlike hallucinations, sees things move in the corner of their eyes, smells unnatural smells or is otherwise impaired.
- In some places massive stones float up from the soil in grotesque swirling patterns.
- The nimbus of clouds in the Pacific roils out an an exponential rate.
- In space the international space station is slowly filled with a protoplasmic froth of tentacles.
- A US commander who tries to launch nuclear missiles finds all containment for fissionable materials slowly melting from the insides (as much happens in nuclear power stations or storage spaces for radioactive waste) and turning in to a brightly bluegreen slime that bubbles and spreads.
- Millions of humans suddenly develop, for a brief time, telepathic and other supernatural abilities, often with extreme pain, emotions, psychotic episodes.
- Beasts transform world wide in to blasphemies beyond words.
- CERN, and several other particle physics laboratories, were just conducting experiments and perceive a radical change in how subatomic particles operate. In one instance a small accelerator in upstate New York produces a elongated area stretching out a mile from the particle emission lab where natural laws and matter and human bodies – even light – seem to be completely of a different nature. None who walks in that region comes out recognizable. Death toll about 150 million humans world wide. .
In several hours
- In many places along the pacific things unhallowed emerge from the ocean in a nightmare landscape, amid absurd and completely bewildering weather phenomenon.
- The sun experiences a most peculiar active phase, with geometric patterns appearing on its surface.
- On Jupiter’s moon io, half the crust cracks and massive volcanoes emerge in a twisted pentacle configuration.
- On Mars mons Olympus erupts black ooze.
- In the Himalayas a mountainous region slowly collapses upwards in to majestic floating mountains amid an unbroken rythmic trembling series of earthquakes that seem more like chants.
- 95% of all humans are infected, sick, deranged, in a severely confused state.
- 25% of all humans world wide have sudden physical abnormalities.
- About half a billion humans is dead, most of them by suicide, although in many cases these suicides don’t appear to be fully effective an they keep trying over and over and over. .
One Day –
- The world is half covered in a dark storm interspersed with lightning. In many places slime and twisted shapes rain from the sky.
- Existing buildings have deformed, many landscapes are completely unnatural. Woods mutate, change shape and sometimes animate.
- In some places dimensions are distorted, villages and landscape elements changing shape.
- Worldwide people are transported between places, or rifts to other realities open up.
- Most humans have been affected physically, mentally.
- About half of humans have turned in to something else, mostly dangerous, especially along coastal regions.
- Everyone is pretty much clinically insane.
- Strange diseases spread and it is hard to say where one disease, mutation, hallucination or contamination begins and the other ends.
- The moon changes color to deep red, star patterns in the sky change in to new shapes.
- Several billion humans are now effectively lost, although in many places the dead are coming back to life, even dead gibbering things centuries dead – some of these form bloated monstrosities that shamble across the landscape… .
One week The entire planet is a blighted sickness of roiling clouds streaked with primal and unnatural colors, all life is twisted, most minds have melted in to a roiling blasphemy incanting His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name, His name …. .
366 hours after emergence
the last human in northern Europe, while hiding in a mine, succumbs, twists in to insanity, stalks grow from his eyes and he starts devouring his decaying, mutated six family members in the next underground chamber, who have already died a day earlier – and where fornicating in to an assembled tentacled mass of putrid black ooze.
In the pacific a monolithic black …”structure” miles high spreads like a cancer on the planet, well visible from space. Peaks jut from a boiling ocean strewn with tentacles and filth, and in the middle.. ahh.. nnn .. no. I.. can n.. not ahh.. HTY%$#(KJHH