Club of Amsterdam on Urban Energy

the future of Urban Energy
June 28, 2012, 18:30 – 21:15
Location: Van Eesterenmuseum, Burgemeester De Vlugtlaan 125, 1063 BJ Amsterdam
The conference language is English.

The speakers and topics are:

Laurens Tait, Associate Civil Engineer, Arup
Adapting to a changing energy landscape

Kim Taylor, Marketing Manager, The New Motion
Attitudes towards mobility and the potential of EV’s in energy supply

Pauline Westendorp, Co-founder, Wij krijgen Kippen
Amsterdam Zuid lives, works and moves on clean local energy before 2020!

and our moderator Paul Hughes, Ten Meters of Thinking

The location can be reached with Tram 80.
I may visit it this time, since energy is high on my favourite topics list.

How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan

The European Union is leading the global fight against climate change, and has made it its top priority. The EU committed itself to reducing its overall emissions to at least 20 % below 1990 levels by 2020. Local authorities play a key role in the achievement of the EU’s energy and climate objectives. The Covenant of Mayors is a European initiative by which towns, cities and regions voluntarily commit to reducing their CO2 emissions beyond this 20 % target. This formal commitment is to be achieved through the implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs).

SETIS – European Initiative on Smart Cities

This Initiative will support cities and regions in taking ambitious and pioneering measures to progress by 2020 towards a 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable use and production of energy. This will require systemic approaches and organisational innovation, encompassing energy efficiency, low carbon technologies and the smart management of supply and demand. In particular, measures on buildings, local energy networks and transport would be the main components of the Initiative.

Intelligent Energy – Europe

The Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme is giving a boost to clean and sustainable solutions. It supports their use and dissemination and the Europe-wide exchange of related knowledge and know-how. Targeted funding is provided for creative projects putting this idea into practice

Sustainable Energy Week

Every year hundreds of organisations and individuals in over 30 countries take part in EU Sustainable Energy week by hosting Energy Day events and activities that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Networks and buildings: Inventing a new quality of life

The most highly industrialized countries have become aware of the challenges involved in energy and environmental efficiency in the construction sector. According to the International Energy Agency, this sector represents two-thirds of the solution for reducing greenhouse gases by a factor of four by 2050.

bp-Imperial College Urban Energy Systems Project
The BP Urban Energy Systems project at Imperial will identify the benefits of a systematic, integrated approach to the design and operation of urban energy systems, with a view to identify large reductions in the energy intensity of cities.

Cities for Living 2010

The Veolia Observatory of Urban Lifestyles sheds some light on the environmental issues facing the world’s large cities.
Research carried out for Veolia Environnement by TNS Sofres.

Getting Smart about Smart Cities – By Alcatel-Lucent

Telecommunications service providers are not playing a primary role in smart city projects. Their involvement remains limited, which means they run the risk of having to compete with utilities, cable companies, and other types of service providers, to provide information and communications technology (ICT) services. But by leveraging their assets in a proactive way and partnering with the key players in a smart city project, service providers can change their role from that of facilitators of other industry objectives, to that of strategic partners of the key industries and governments involved in each project.

Sustainable Urban Energy Planning – A handbook for cities and towns in developing countries, By UN-HABITAT and UNEP.

The main purpose of this handbook is to assist people who are working in or with local government to develop sustainable energy and climate action plans and implementation programmes. There can be no single recipe for all cities – so it is up to each local government to develop its own innovative and appropriate plans based on local resources and needs.