IEET on Succubi
Article. Will relink here later, feeling a little mush today.
Name Change
The first stage towards a legal First Name change has commenced. As of Saturday the council for legal assistance has affirmed taking on a supportive payment for my name chance. This means the court case will serve in few months, depending on scheduling and a hearing. My documentation is fairly good, but the municipal authority…
Protected: Pooka Yooka
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
This guy is a critic, not an antisemite. His video’s on VIMEO can be found here.
Miserable Failure
Hm. Welcome to the Hague George! Soon. And on that same note: . . . . . . Since these bunkers may become the target of looters, can I order a fake bunker (that looks recently looted by starving mobs)? Or even better, can I get a list of where all the bunkers are you…
Three Five conferences
Transforming the Human Page: Paper Deadline: 1st of July 2012 Date: 10, 11, 12, 14 September 2012 Location: Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Note – I won’t be able to afford attending this one by a long shot. But it’s still interesting to see continued visible H+/techno-progressive exposure in Eastern Europe. Pathsways to a Basic…
1 Gram Gold
Price in Euro. If you have a multiple of 50 euro to spare, head out to a jeweller that sells 1 gram bares of gold, and get some of these. You might invest a few hundred dollar or euro, but this small nest-egg might allow you to buy food a few months from now. I…
Abundance review
Thanks! Someone ‘serendipitously’ sent me an anonymous gift copy of the Abundance hardcover via my Amazon Wish List.
What might cause another 9/11?
Comment on this article “Terrorism” is a form of uncivilized, low-intelligence third world desperation not much dissimilar to vandalism on steroids. It should never have become a military or espionage objective – terrorism should simply be a law enforcement issue at worst, a psychiatric care issue at best. The US won’t be budged by terrorism…
Project Enclave
I’ll keep this simple and short. Project enclave is a project aimed at collecting interested parties, sponsors and funding to (a) find and secure a large geographical area somewhere on the world, say, a fraction as big as the Netherlands. (b) develop sustainable real estate in this area, and establish a security apparatus as well…
Not entertaining
Clearly the entertainment industry is not what is portents to be. If it quacks like wolf, walks like a wolf and smells like a wolf, it ain’t a duck. The law should start treating the entertainment industry conform it actions – something that does not desire to entertain.
Threatened again
This morning I was threatened again, while walking my dog. Some old neighbour living in the area, who apparently doesn’t approve of my lifestyle choices, threatened “to wipe the feces of my dog in my face and beat me up“. I suppose it’s another trip to the police station for me, filing a report. Oh…
Prometheus analysis, scene-by-scene This is a full analysis of the Alien prequel, Prometheus. This implies that this article is the most horrendous spoiler-fest possible. If you don’t like spoilers before seeing a quality/SFX laden/thick plotline movie, I suggest you first go and see Prometheus before reading this rather lengthy article. As should be clear, I have been…
Hi Arisia
. . .
Ahab AMA
Hey 🙂
Dealing with ‘sluts’, Haredim style
Young Israeli male accused of frenzied masturbation, ejaculating at 2 teenage girls. 22 year old from Jerusalem arrested for suspected assault, intimidation and sexual exposure after he allegedly ejaculated on two underage girls who he claims were dressed so hot he couldn’t restrain himself. Family claims it is simply neighborhood quarrel. We have learned that…
Club of Amsterdam on Urban Energy
the future of Urban Energy June 28, 2012, 18:30 – 21:15 Location: Van Eesterenmuseum, Burgemeester De Vlugtlaan 125, 1063 BJ Amsterdam The conference language is English. The speakers and topics are: Laurens Tait, Associate Civil Engineer, Arup Adapting to a changing energy landscape Kim Taylor, Marketing Manager, The New Motion Attitudes towards mobility and the…