The Elites Are Unanimous: Lower Everyone’s Wages and Standard of Living — Except They Don’t Say it Out Loud
America’s 1% are in harmony on the matter that concerns them most — who gets the biggest slice of the pie. Editor’s note: This essay is derived from Jeff Faux’s new book, The Servant Economy: Where America’s Elite is Sending the Middle Class , which William Greider calls a “really important book” that tells the…
I am….
A Black Swan Fetishist.
Club of Amsterdam
*sigh* Beautiful place to meet up, thanks so much for the hospitality, Agnes, Luc and the entire crew. *winks*
My daughter *sniff*
Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
Americans have been watching protests against oppressive regimes that concentrate massive wealth in the hands of an elite few. Yet in our own democracy, 1 percent of the people take nearly a quarter of the nation’s income—an inequality even the wealthy will come to regret. By Joseph E. Stiglitz It’s no use pretending that what…
Autonomy and Solidarity – Prospects of an Unconditional Basic Income
The idea is simple and powerful, challenging and disturbing. It has been around for years in academic circles, but has recently gained momentum ever since the idea has been advocated for publicly (e.g. in Germany since 2003). But what roughly is it about? Source An Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) would be provided from cradle to…
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Gulliberals, definition
Dumb-ass gullible murrcans who don’t have an ounce of courage. Spineless results of McCarthy-ist social Darwinian selection. People without scrotum sack, who fall for all the corporate propaganda, pavlovian conditioned political correctness. Gulliberals are constantly deluded and engineered to be offended by right wing talk show hosts, radical extremists, such as Arpaio, Anne Coulter, Bolton,…
Discussion on Reddit
Here Some guy In Viet Nam some of us killed (anything) just to stay alive. If the law breaks down, I will shoot first. In Nam they used orphaned kids to do suicide bombings. That means shoot them too. I’ve seen men ready to kill men because the water was running out. Before you can…
Unthinkable for insiders to the dream, pretty damn obvious for everyone else by now.
This week I discussed this with Dutch elected or close to elected politicians of several different Dutch political parties. They were all mostly certain the collapse of the three WTC buildings was a concerted demolition effort. One let me know “unofficially” most demolition expert of the Dutch Army agree and regard a demolition project as…
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An Age of Imagination
By Rita J. King Vanessa Fisher interviewed me about The Rise of the Imagination Age. Listen here. Her questions were excellent, particularly regarding the future of artificial intelligence. I don’t believe in “artificial intelligence.” I see intelligence as an emergent characteristic of the vast, mysterious cosmos. As humans we are able to achieve skills that…
Cities all over Phobos
Imagine greater Tokyo wrapped all over the surface of Phobos. Imagine dozens more industrial cities sprawling inside, under the surface of Phobos. An asteroid moon such as this could house tens of millions of humans – and post-human beings – in conditions far exceeding anything we can imagine today. It could be paradise. Yet we…
8th annual workshop on Geo-Ethical Nanotechnology
Terasem movement (inc) invites you to attend the 8th annual workshop on Geo-Ethical Nanotechnology. This event will take place in Second Life, at the Terasem Island Conference Center, on July 20, 2012, and is from 1PM Eastern Seaboard Time to 4PM Eastern Seaboard Time. This year’s workshop theme…. PRINCIPLES OF GEOETHICS & THEIR APPLICATION TO…
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Urban Tribes – where is the magic?
A Club of Amsterdam event in collaboration with MySTèR. Sunday, July 22, 2012: 15:00 – 17:00 Location: MySTèR, Christian-Rötzel-Allee 18, 41334 Breyell-Nettetal, Germany [near Venlo, Netherlands] Participation is free you are invited to contribute a small donation at the event. Please register by sending an email to – Please let us know…
I call upon all my friends, followers, critics and devoted lovers to support Clang. Update Great! An attempt to raise $500,000 (£322,000) to fund the creation of a realistic online sword-fighting game called Clang has succeeded! (link)
The main problem
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’” Isaac Asimov
Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day
NEW YORK—Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump reportedly stood before his bedroom’s full-length mirror Wednesday morning and stared forlornly at his aged, shriveled penis before getting dressed and leaving his residence in Manhattan’s Trump Tower to start the day. According to reports, the 66-year-old had laid his suit out on his bed and…