The Endless Saga

Star Wars CANON The Proper Chronological Order Rise of the Sith – Season 1 Star Wars TV Series (2024-2025) The Dark Rim Chronicles 1 – Rise of Joda (2038) The Dark Rim Chronicles 3 – Rise of Darth Plagueis (2041) Chewbacca – The Darker Star Wars Series (2025) The Dark Rim Chronicles 2 – The […]

Zoltan Istvan declares war on transhumanism.

I respond to this article by Zoltan Itsvan with a blanket rejection. Frankly, I am offended by Zoltan’s consistent lying. Transhumanism—the social movement of merging people with machines & synthetic parts—is turning dangerously hard left. ‘Dangerously’? We have inhabited a century of hard post WW2 repression originating from the US against anything reeking of socialism, […]

Finally Upwing Politics? What is it?

First I need to establish what ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ are. I may have to say something about Libertarianism, which leans more to the right in the US, and I need to formulate what would entail the hypothetical (straw man) position of “downwing”. I also need to add that “liberals” in my country are […]

The First Global Tyranny

Hypothetical 1 – If tomorrow there’d be a major war between, say, pakistan, india and china, and several nukes would detonate over major cities the consequences would have global effects. Even small nuclear detonations and ensuing firestorms trigger nuclear winter / heat wave cycles lasting years. World wide harvests would fail and there would be […]

My message to the Incels

I have been looking at the new memetic complex of ideas, passions and affinities of people who are involved in MRA, Alt Right and MGTOW – and in particular Incels, i.e. “Involuntary Celibate” guys. So what is Incel? Here is a good Vox Populi article. As it turns out these people have been put in […]

Climate Change, ca. 2050

If you have any images you wish me to include email me 1,0 Degrees average global heating 1,5 Degrees average global heating 2,0 Degrees average global heating 2,5 Degrees average global heating 3,0 Degrees average global warming 3,5 Degrees average global warming 4,0 Degrees average global heating 5,0 Degrees average global heating 6,0 Degrees average global heating Why bother?


Ceres by Mieke Roth on Sketchfab Wikipedia Ceres was first permanently settled in 2151 by standard-issue 16228 ton parochial automated pioneer, establishing the Californian Parish Liberty, with a “reduced” crew of five, after a voyage of under 14 months or 35923520 seconds from exit to entry burns. The crew entered a 250km equatorial orbit on […]

We need to start discussing maximum incomes

This is not working. We need rational boundaries. And yes, those who do not to pay 100% taxes above a certain level should feel encouraged to go live somewhere else. . How much would be enough, for everyone? That’s the simple question that so far lies outside the Overton Window. Few people have given this […]