“The weak exist to serve the strong. The strong exist to build the Kingdom. The Kingdom exists to endure”
“The Kingdom is the summit of human endeavor. It must be defended, preserved, and perfected.”
“We build so that others do not have to struggle in the dirt. This is our burden. This is our purpose.”
What is Whispered About Them In A Tavern
“”You want to know about Dominion? Ha! That’s easy. It’s the law of the land, the iron will of the rulers, the foundation of civilization itself! Dominion is what keeps the rabble in line, what ensures the Kingdom’s survival. A world without Dominion? Anarchy. Madness. Filth in the streets, half-breeds at noble tables, and degenerates spreading their poison. Dominion is order, strength, and the unwavering truth that some are born to rule, and others? Well… they’re born to be ruled”
Symbols, Iconography
- The Crown and the Sword – The rightful ruler and the means to enforce his will.
- The Pillar and the Arch – The foundations of civilization, firm and unyielding
- The Chain Unbroken – Strength through unity, through duty, through structure.
Typical Membership Stereotypes
- Nearly All Higher Nobility is Dominionist. Dukes are about 90% Dominionist. Barons are much less likely to be Dominionist.
The alignment of “Dominion” is as simple as it gets. There is but one great truth—the Kingdom is humanity’s crowning achievement. Beyond its spires and legions, beyond its roads and courts, lies only chaos—a world without meaning, purpose, or order. The Dominion Alignment holds fast to the belief that civilization must be upheld at all costs, that it is the greatest work of humankind, and that only through structure, discipline, and duty can anything of true worth endure. To be Dominion is to know that stability is strength, hierarchy is necessary, and only through the Kingdom does the world make sense. Other races have their place, but they are subjects, allies, or tools, never equals. A horse is valuable, but it is not a rider. A servant may be loyal, but that does not make him a lord. Beyond the borders of the Kingdom, disorder festers—barbarians, rebels, schemers, and idol-worshippers who threaten to tear apart what has been so carefully built. The world must be shaped, controlled, directed—or else it will collapse under the weight of its own recklessnes.
The Pillars of Dominion: The Foundations of Order
- LAW – Without law, there is nothing. The Kingdom is not merely a nation—it is an idea, bound together by shared laws, traditions, and obligations. Dominion holds that the law is not simply a set of rules, but the spine of civilization itself. Those who obey rise; those who defy it tear at the fabric of all that is good.
- AMBITION: The Right to Rise: A man is not born great—he must prove himself. Dominion does not coddle, nor does it forgive mediocrity. If one wishes to climb higher, they must earn it. Strength is not a privilege of birth alone, but of action. Those who take up the mantle of power must do so with competence, vision, and resolve. Every generation must prove its merit.
- BLOOD: The blood of the family is sacred. While it does not guarantee achievement without labour (decadence never rests) the potential of Your Blood is often evidence in itself and will reassert itself. The Blood of the family is a good ore, it remains to you to turn it into steel.
- LABOUR: Dominion values effort—not just in war, but in craft, in trade, in scholarship. The cities of the Kingdom are the envy of the world, its roads stretch beyond sight, and its works will stand for centuries because of discipline and toil. The laborer, the merchant, the soldier—all play their part. Sloth is the true disease.
- ART: Its towers stand tall, its banners fly proud, its ceremonies demand reverence. Dominion holds that art is not a frivolity, but a declaration—a culture’s soul made visible. It should inspire, elevate, and reinforce the ideals of the Kingdom, never weaken them.
- WISDOM: Dominion does not seek war for war’s sake. It does not expand recklessly, nor does it rule blindly. The wise do not rush to war when patience will suffice, nor do they destroy when something can be turned to use. But those who threaten the Kingdom will find no mercy
- THE KING: The King is not simply a ruler—he is the embodiment of the Kingdom’s ideals. He is not above the law; he is its first servant. His throne does not belong to him—it belongs to the legacy of the Kingdom itself. He reigns, not as a tyrant, but as a steward of a greater whole.
In A Nutshell:
- Subjects obey. That is the way of the world. Would be nice if I got some goddamn respect over it too.
If You Like To Play In This Alignment
- You are a believer in the natural order—some are meant to lead, others to follow, and those who resist should be broken.
- You likely see justice, morality, and ethics as tools, not absolute truths. If something makes the Kingdom stronger, it is good. If it weakens it, it is bad.
- You might be a ruthless noble, an iron-fisted general, a cunning vizier, or even a pragmatic warlord—whatever the role, you ensure the survival of your dominion at all costs.
★★★☆☆ (Moderate) – Dominion is simple in its philosophy, but difficult in practice. The world is full of weaklings who don’t know what’s best for them. You must command, conquer, and enforce—or risk being swept away in the tide of history.
What Others Think About Dominion
- Marcus Draaken, Itenerant Archmage: “Dominion? Of course, it is necessary but for anyone with a brain, a considerable nuisance. Power ends up centralized, and corpses litter the alleys with those who don’t agree. But let us not pretend that those who wield power are always deserving of it. History is likewise littered with the corpses of kings who mistook cruelty for wisdom. If you rule, rule well—or I shall find a way to replace you.”
- Merix Blano, Gnome, Shady Businessman, Please stop talking to me: “Dominion? That’s a fiction… (softer) Tyrants, every last one of them. Always talking about ‘duty’ and ‘strength’ but what they really mean is ‘give me your money and shut up about it.’ Sure, sure, the Kingdom needs order, but you don’t need to put boots on people’s necks to keep the wheels turning. The best order is the one that lets people live their lives without being whipped for coughing too loud.”
- Steelbutt Burt Kaern, Veteran who has seen it all: “I don’t care if people don’t like it. We aren’t goddamn animals. I don’t care if they call us cruel, or brutal, or unfeeling. You think armies run on kindness? You think empires are built on soft words? Dominion is what keeps the wolves outside the gates. Someone must make the hard choices. Someone must have the spine to rule.”
- Pronak, Celestine Mentor, Very Gay: “Oh Dominionist – you are so small. You build your towers, carve your laws in stone, and call yourselves great. Dominion? It is nothing. The Kingdom is a speck in the grand wheel of existence. You could command all the lands, all the armies, all the gold in the world, and you would still be an insect screaming at the wind.”
The Serene
- Balance: Deep Hatred – In a perfect world, The Dominion stands above all those little fringe ideologies. But they are starting to take notice to the creeping presence of Balance, especially the ancient supernatural manifestations of Balance.
- Elder:
- Covenant: Loathing – The core values and claims about the world, the pervasively gnostic energy in the Celestine, just to claim there’s anything “beyond”, let alone the Celestine love for the Psi.
- Celestial:
- Concord:
- Empyrean:
The Virtues
- Axiom:
- The Yoke:
- Questing:
- The Pure:
- Zenith:
The Devout
- Arcadian: Problematic! Dominionists don’t like this “enjoy life”, laissez fair, grassroots attitude of the Arcadian.
- Archon:
- Axis:
- Dominion:
- Echelon:
- Eclipe:
- Epiphany:
- Illuminati:
- Logos:
- The Sacred King:
- Utopian:
- Periphery:
- Serendipity:
- The Crusade:
- The Free:
The Towers
- Gold: – Dominion overlaps in large part with Gold. Many Dominionists work in the gold. The difference is however not subtle at all.
- White:
- Green:
- Omber:
- Grey:
- Blue:
- Purple: Dominionists have a love/hate relationship with the Purple. They resent the strong purple influence in the Legions, and the magical power wielded by the Purple.
- Black: FEUDAL HATRED. There is no possible compromize other than burning them all. Most Dominionist regard Black as a shade of Red.
- Red: FEUDAL HATRED. There is no possible compromize other than burning them all.
- Orange: Pure Seething Hatred! Dominionists are 100% opposed. They are completely mutually exclusive. Orange has an active obsession with disruption and their sabotage weakens the very foundation of civilization. Put them all to the sword
- Pink:
The Despairing
- Synod:
- Cabal:
- Marauder:
- Aegis:
- The Vile:
- The Blight:
- Paragon:
- The Damned:
- Hierarchy:
- Vortex:
- Nadir:
- The Veil:
- The Order:
- Dolor:
- Nexus:
The Damned
- The Scourge:
- The Beast:
- The Hive:
- The Cult:
- Chaos:
- Darkness:
- Alalvarites: Pretty tense! Dominionists are about keeping the peace, to each their own, stability, strength, masculinity. Alalvar is often associated with weak men, instability, riots, meddlesome theocrats, invasions, infestations. There are quite a few Alalvarite Domionists – but it’s a bit like being regarded as “a self hating jew”. Yes, it’s possible but it’s identity crisis. Their blind fanaticism and reckless expansion, they seek to replace law with doctrine. At best a nuisance, most of them parasites, at worst a grave threat to the Kingdom.
- The Church Of the Sacred King:
- Daevon: The faith in Daevon is common in the Dominionist ideology. Being Daevotnian means ” good guy badge”.
- Humanists:
- Republicans: Reds – Kill them all! There’s a cult movement of ‘sodomites’, engaging in unclean necromancy, mutated freakish monsters, rotting carcasses swarming with maggots, degenerates, etc. etc. AND they want to end to Kingdom, The King, Many Religions – and The Domionion.
- The Divine in General:
- The Legions:
- The Guilds
- The Banks
- The King: Domionism is based on several pillars, one major one is the feudal elite, i.e. the Dukes. Many would take great offense to this characterization, but in the end it all comes down to The Dukes. The King exists by grace of tax money flowing from the Dukes.
- The Feudal Elites: By and large Dominionists believe ‘Dominionism == The Dukes’, but this is not true. Actual Dukes comprise less than 1% of Domionism. Tax collectors, landholders, large farm owners, soldiers. the Aeyrie, legionaires, even slavers; many are likely to be Domioninists. Even many in The Guilds are likely to be aligned Dominisnist.
Presence In The Capital City
In the Northwestern Quandrant of the City is a giant, ostentatious Tavern, Inn and Restaurant, “The New Guildener Howvy“, started by the son of the owner of “The Guildener Howvy” right off the Old Quarters. This is widely and respectfully (discretely) regarded as a pro Noble (mostly Dukes and immediate entourage), ironically dismissive of Rinyldissen. This is the hotbed of Dominionist activity – the walls are thick with Ducal portraits and heraldry, the whole establishment constantly cosplays the pompousness of The Big Houses. There MUST be a portrait of the actual King around here somewhere, ah there it is.
Some Final Observations
- Final Thought: Dominion isn’t just tyranny for tyranny’s sake—it is the belief that power is the only thing that holds civilization together. It is the shield against chaos, the boot that crushes rebellion, and the iron will that refuses to let the world slip into madness. Love it or hate it—Dominion doesn’t care.