The Black: The Unyielding Forces of Will, Power, and Subjectivism.
Core Values and Philosophy
The Black is a faction of absolute individualism, extreme meritocracy, arcane supremacy, and ruthless pragmatism. It is hostile, fiercely independent, and contemptuous of weakness, embracing the philosophy that power belongs to those who can take it and keep it.
They are Objectivist in nature (which is known as “Subjectivism” in the Dreamlands) believing that society is a construct for the weak, and that only through relentless ambition and self-determination can one achieve true greatness. In the Black’s worldview, slavery is acceptable, as the weak must serve the strong. The Kingdom is a necessary evil, tolerated only as a means to maintain order for their continued experiments, pursuits, and intrigues.
The Black is deeply embedded in the principles of Subjectivism—reality is not objective, but a construct imposed by the strongest minds. If one’s will is powerful enough, it bends reality to accommodate their vision. Consensus and compromise are the death of ambition; only those capable of enforcing their truth upon the world are worthy of existence.
The Rule Of Power
- The powerful shape reality. Strength—be it through intellect, magic, or influence—determines one’s right to rule.
- Morality is a delusion. Good and evil are constructs of the weak; only results matter.
- Wealth and knowledge are the ultimate tools. Accumulation of arcane power and financial dominance ensure control.
- The individual is paramount. Any form of collective ideology is seen as parasitic.
- Hierarchy exists, but only for the worthy. There is no feudal system here—only a shifting landscape of dominion where the weak are discarded and the strong rise.
- Magic as the Apex of Power
Magic is the highest form of strength. The ability to reshape the world through arcane means is the ultimate expression of control.
Necromancy, psionics, and forbidden arts are fully embraced. The Black has no taboos when it comes to magic.
Artefact creation and magical economy are dominated by the Black. They control rare materials and techniques, making them indispensable in high-level magical circles.
Psionics and dreamcrafting are paramount. The Black believes the Dreamlands are the perfect testing ground for metaphysical manipulation.
Unlike the other factions, the Black does not seek governance or expansion—it seeks influence and leverage, ensuring that no one can challenge its autonomy.
II. The Black’s Core Ideology
The Black is not bound by the Kingdom’s laws—rather, they manipulate them. They exist in shadows, high towers, and secret enclaves, influencing events without direct rule. Their alliances are fleeting, their feuds legendary.
They believe:
Slavery may be necessary. The strong should not waste time on menial tasks.
Politics is a game for fools. They view politicians as pawns, controlling them through wealth and coercion.
Assassination is a legitimate tool. If an enemy is a problem, remove them.
Meritocracy is absolute. If you cannot rise, you deserve to fall.
The masses are stupid. They see commoners as tools to be used, not as people with intrinsic worth.
The Black does not care for morality—only the advancement of those who prove themselves. A weak king, a failed kingdom, a dying empire? None of it matters to them unless it directly interferes with their aims.
The most dangerous idea within the Black is that they believe in imposing their subjective reality upon the world. If enough powerful minds agree on a vision, the Dreamlands itself may be reshaped.
III. The Black as One of the “Towers”
The Black is one of the Towers, ephemeral forces that transcend kingdoms and dimensions, influencing reality itself. Unlike the Gold or the Purple, the Black does not seek open rule—it prefers to shape events from behind the veil, whispering in the ears of rulers, enchanting the ambitious, and crushing the weak from the shadows.
The Black’s retroactive assimilation of Ayn Rand’s ideals into its framework transformed it into a philosophical and magical proving ground—one where only those who can impose their reality deserve to exist. They claim their own dreams dictate the shape of the world, and if others cannot shape reality, then they are not meant to influence it.
Their leader, MATERNA, is a Dreamer Lich, an iron golem housing the undead soul of Ayn Rand. She embodies the concept of Subjectivism, where the only reality is the one the strong impose upon others. Her presence fractures the Dreamlands, as her followers reshape the world according to their own will.
Another legendary name, Master Vulcanus, is a ruthless necromancer-mercenary, infamous for his control over the undead economies and his deep investments across the jungles of Parg and the forbidden cities of Dylath Leen.
The Black hates the Gold and the Green with a generational fury, seeing them as hypocrites of authority and benevolence. Arrikhani proverbs warn, “The sea is a bad place,” and everything within it is worse—a belief held especially true by the Black, who see the deepest regions of the Dreamlands as untapped sources of horror and power.
IV. The Black’s Caste of Spellcasters
Magic is the currency of power in the Black. Spellcasters here are not servants of gods, nor do they waste time on sentimentality.
Spellcaster Type
Role & Connection to the Black
Warlocks, Wizards, Necromancers – Pursuers of raw power, treating magic as a weapon and a commodity.
Psions, Alchemists, Shadow Sorcerers – Masters of manipulation, using the mind and forbidden knowledge to dominate.
Chronomancers, Riftwalkers – Those who play with time and dimensions, pushing reality to its limits.
Very Rare
Dreamcrafters, Eldritch Scholars – Casters who alter the Dreamlands themselves, defying even the gods.
V. The Black’s Place in the Dreamlands
The Black’s influence is never obvious. They exist in the cracks of power, influencing guilds, magical research, assassinations, and the creation of eldritch artifacts. They shape society without being part of it.
Purple loathes them. The militant, fascist Purple regards the Black as annoying, pretentious dilletantes, meddlesome trash.
The Gold is not happy with The Black. The King is aware of this depraved underground of sinister types, and occasionally uses their agents to balance the expanding power of Alalvarites and the Purple.
The Green absolutely hates them. They represent the worst aspects of hierarchy and social Darwinism.
The Omber deals with them carefully. They recognize their power, but keep them at a distance. There is no functional collaboration but there are contacts.
The Grey. has infiltrated the Black, and (occasionally) vise versa. There is overlap in how these two towers operatie but irreconcilable ideological differences. Assassinations are common, black more often on the receiving end.
The Blue – despite major ideological differences there are some contacts.
The Red – The Red is a regarded as a cult of wanton powerhungry sociopaths, a disease rather than an organization but there is some minor overlap.
The white – completely, fundamentally, metaphysically irreconcilable.
The Orange – the orange is all about the parishes, the perimeter, the fringes, the distance, the villeiny, nomads, independence, conservative societies, tribes. There is ‘let’s say it mildly’ 99% no overlap.
The Pink – the pink is a joke. The Black is not into ‘jokes’.
VI. Conclusion: The Tyranny of the Will
The Black is the silent hand of control, the whisper in the dark, the unseen force shaping reality. They believe in one truth ….
If you cannot impose your will, then you have no right to it.
And so they move in the shadows, building their empires in the arcane, influencing kings, assassins, and sorcerers, waiting for the day when the world finally bows to those who deserve it.