“Balance is the core of Sanity. The further from Balance, the closer we are to The Abyssal, The Primordial, The Unclean.”
“The Kingdom is a histortical artefact. It is old, yes, but there are things much older.”
“The Abyss is ready to rise at any time. ”
What is Whispered About Them In A Tavern
“”It’s like this old ideology from the before times. They were important during The Great War, but when they don’t have clear enemies these people get everyone else in trouble. Most I have met and then they were actually, really with that cult, most were criminals of some sort or another. They are political and not afraid to act upon it. The kind that likes to make certain no one wins. “
Symbols, Iconography
- The Unmoving Wheel – Time is an illusion.
- Cirrcles within Circles –
- A Knife In The Dark –
Typical Membership Stereotypes
- Balance is a difficult path to walk. There aren’t many that actively support this Alignment ethos. It ‘s a daily pervasive criticism of the idea of most things in the world being completely out of whack, read to become a plague at any moment.
The Alignment of Balance is to most a strange ancient fringe ideology with sinister spiritual roots. Many confuse it with Elder.
- Balance not a passivist, neutral stance in the world. It is an active and critical -often paranoid and suspicious ethos of people that will tear down instinctively with the self-validation of a farmer pulling weeds.
- Balance is fully aware, maybe more so than others of the Abyssals and the Primordial. They fully understand what is out there and will strike at any time.
- Balance is ancient and very transcendental. They are secretive, obsessive, spying on everyone. They manipulate without any shame, they loathe excessive power.
- Balance has known internal purges.
In A Nutshell:
If You Like To Play In This Alignment
★★★★☆ (Challenging) –
What Others Think About This Alignment
- Marcus Draaken, Itenerant Archmage: “I am critical of what Balance hjas become. The world nbeds Balance, and I have always been sympathetical, but they lash out blindly sometimes. Too many young pups that dont know their asshole from thier elbows – too many theoriticians pouring colored sand watching to see signs.”
- Luxor, Grey-Aliged Spy, drinking in the Shur Inn: I like to see those Balance people are referees more than assassins. I have many friends who are sympathetic to the old ways, and I know some Balance people I wouldn’t even want to be in the same town with.
- Yalivo, Grand Alchemist of Almirean : Oh I studied this doctrine at the Magisterium. They produce many excellent political philosophers and in the old days they did some mighty useful work. Bloody work if you ask me, slitting throats that needed to be. We, I mean they don’t do that savagery these days. Balance tempers excess ambition.
- Guorth, Great grand Son of Gorloth, Berserker, known Red: Fuck that shit. Balance, it’s just the assassins the Dominion hires to kill free folk. They slander us as savages, while they sit in their towers whoring and keeping slaves. Hypocrites. I rather live free as a Wolf, than a spineless dog waiting to see which side wins before picking a side.
The Serene
- Elder:
- Covenant:
- Celestial:
- Concord:
- Empyrean:
The Virtues
- Axiom:
- The Yoke:
- Questing:
- The Pure:
- Zenith:
The Devout
- Arcadian:
- Archon:
- Axis:
- Dominion: Balance as an ethical system has a hard time accepting the pervasive power of Dominion in the Kingdom. Assassinations do occur.
- Echelon:
- Eclipe:
- Epiphany:
- Illuminati:
- Logos: Logos is incredibly paranoid of the agents of Balance.
- The Sacred King:
- Utopian:
- Periphery:
- Serendipity:
- The Crusade:
- The Free:
The Towers
- Gold: Deep and pervasive resentment;
- White:
- Green: Respectful contempt;
- Omber: Revulsion;
- Blue:
- Purple: Deep and pervasive resentment;
- Black: Suspicion;
- Red: Any self-respecting agent of Balance will seek to kill any and all Reds in the most ruthless manner possible.
- Orange:
- Pink:
The Despairing
- Synod:
- Cabal:
- Marauder:
- Aegis:
- The Vile:
- The Blight:
- Paragon:
- The Damned:
- Hierarchy:
- Vortex:
- Nadir:
- The Veil:
- The Order:
- Dolor:
- Nexus:
The Damned
- Balance is constantly surveilling all of the Abyssals and the Primordials. Period.
- Alalvarites:
- The Church Of the Sacred King:
- Daevon:
- Humanists:
- Republicans: R
- The Divine in General:
- The Legions:
- The Guilds
- The Banks
- The King:
- The Feudal Elites:
- The Zherai of Gith; Living in the Nortthern Huarali, these are ascetic, excessively disciplined, utterly cold and detached monks. Think Shaolin + psionics. Balance is deeply tied up with Zherai culture.
Presence In The Capital City
Magsisterium Anstralos, known Grey institution just south of the capital city, has an outspoken Balance aligned House of Magic. This is not widely known and would cause problems if. The faction is represented by some dozen or so students and three Teachers, and they received dispensation to wear swords – which is telling. Whereas Anstralos is very grounded and pratical, the Balance operatives there tend to be … militant.
Magic and Metaphysics
- Balance has the ability to resort to nuclear options. They mantain ancient pacts with creatures OF Balance, and we are talking metaphysicality here. There’s the A’equin (spectral horses), the Asaghi (wolf like beings), Asura (Demons with jeweled wings), Bouba (Gorillas with wings), Cailoa (transcendant Amazonian deities of silver and fire), Chimana (a Chimera of human-like and Lion), Merkabah (Transcendant minotaurs of pure magic), Molani (Large feral baboons), Omari (Silver furred wolverines), The Ancient Roc, The Seker (elves from a strange dimension), Sentinels (which can appear as any large beast), Te’sla (ferocious beast of fur and claws), Nightgaunts (leather black humanoids with scorpion tail and blank faces), Zehani (terrifying robed emissaries).
- Balance has ancient, forbidden magics that can wipe entire bloodlines, reverse entropy, rend the Dream, change causality. This makes the upper ranks of Balance very hard to kill.
- Some Balance magic has been purged as the knowledge “became too dangerous”.
Some Final Observations