The Unyielding Tradition – The Blood Oath
The Eternal Hearth – The Familial Honor
The Concord folk? Stubborn as hell, every last one of ‘em. Not Kingdom loyalists, not rebels, just… them. They don’t take kindly to outsiders meddling in their ways—especially fancy nobles and city folk. You step into their land, you play by their rules. Honor’s everything to them. You wrong one, you wrong all. And don’t expect some dusty old law to save you—Concord takes care of its own, one way or another”
What is Whispered About Them In A Tavern
Symbols, Iconography
The Blood Handprint – Oaths sealed in blood, marked on doors, trees, and foreheads.
The Twisted Tree – A sacred, ancient tree, used for generations of hanging traitors and oathbreakers.
The Hearth Sigil – A quiet sign carved into homes, barns, and stone gates, marking places where outsiders might find shelter—if they are worthy.
Typical Membership Stereotypes
In A Nutshell:
If You Like To Play In This Alignment
★★☆☆☆ (Not too bad) –
What Others Think About Dominion
- Marcus Draaken, Itenerant Archmage: “The people from the Concord are the roots tyhat refuse to be pulled up. The Kingdom could burn, Concord will remain in the ashes, raising their children, honoring the dead, guarding the hills. Inflexible but I enjoy visiting them and drinking their wine.“
- Leopold, Noble of The King’s Court “I know, there is simpleminded savagery all in the Kingdom and frankly, it disgusts me. Most are demented on the verge of degeneracy, others are just barbarians. Too big pants for their britches, always whining about sacred laws and honor and UGH.“
- KOR, Krampus Hunter “I appreciate Concord people (growl) Good folk. Decent. Know the land (GROWL) they pay their debts, they will help friend bury a corpse. “
- Sologne, travelling Bard who has seen too much: “Concord is a song played too loud, too long, an echo that never fades. They are recalcitrant and inflexible. I respect traditions and honor, I do not appreciate all these folkoristic taboos.”
The Serene
- Balance: To work in hiding is to be ashamed of your intent.
- Elder:
- Celestial:
- Concord:
- Covenant:
The Virtues
- Axiom:
- The Yoke:
- Questing:
- The Pure:
- Zenith:
The Devout
- Arcadian:
- Archon:
- Axis:
- Dominion:
- Echelon:
- Eclipe:
- Epiphany:
- Illuminati:
- Logos:
- The Sacred King:
- Utopian:
- Periphery:
- Serendipity:
- The Crusade:
- The Free:
The Towers
- Gold: Gold is largely Wizards, who are conspiring with the nobles. They cheat with high spells. Parasitic elites who have forgotten where real strength comes from.
- White:
- Green:
- Omber:
- Grey:
- Blue:
- Purple:
- Black:
- Red:
- Orange:
- Pink:
The Despairing
- Synod: The what?
- Cabal:
- Marauder:
- Aegis:
- The Vile:
- The Blight:
- Paragon:
- The Damned:
- Hierarchy:
- Vortex:
- Nadir:
- The Veil:
- The Order:
- Dolor:
- Nexus:
The Damned
- The Scourge:
- The Beast:
- The Hive:
- The Cult:
- Chaos:
- Darkness:
- Alalvarites: Fanatical, arrogant, and deeply unnatural. Their twisted magic of forced fertility and castration is an insult to Concord’s ancestral cycles.
- The Church Of the Sacred King:
- Daevon:
- Aerond, Eltmann and Muoran: Rooted in old gods, old ways, blood rites, and deep land-magic.
- Humanists:
- The Divine in General:
- The Legions: Unwelcome enforcers of laws that do not belong here. If a patrol disappears in the wilds? Oh well.
- City-Folk: Devoid of decency and values, sly, degenerate, soft, treacherous, lazy.
- Wizards: Arrogant meddlers who believe their books mean more than the old ways.
- The Guilds
- The Banks
- The King:
- The Feudal Elites:
- The Cert and Chort of Praetoria: Enforcers of the old, brutal justice in the Praetorian lands. Heroic.
Presence In The Capital City
The Concord does not like the city, at all. It’s an affront. It’s Chaos. It’s crime and betrayal and no decency. They maintain a very discrete, nondescript building in the far southeast of the city in Oldenval, apparently a warehouse but the front door never opens. One can enter through a nondescript fishermans bar to the left. The warehouse is a shrine to The Good Folk of the Kingdom, a place of respect and mutual acknowledgement, a sacred ground where conflict is strictly taboo. It is one of the most beautiful internal places in the area with shell mosaics and decorations. On the ceiling, lit by crystal lamps, is a map of the Kingdom showing many secrets. People generally sit on the benches and smoke. Many discuss matters under the oak arches quietly. Sometimes a bard sings a beautiful ballad.
Some Final Observations
The concord does not seek conquest or glory. It seeks preservation and respect. They existed before any king and will do long after.